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Packed arraignments session sees an appeal for compassion for toothache prisoner

Compassion was sought in the courtroom for a convicted man suffering toothache who is unable to have dental treatment until he is formally sentenced.

The likelihood of remandee Malik Dill, 32, of Seagull Lane, Pembroke, becoming a bona fide prisoner before Christmas, and therefore qualifying to have his teeth inspected in prison, appeared bleak when he appeared at this month's Supreme Court arraignments session to hear at his sentencing was being pushed back to the New Year.

But his lawyer Llewellyn Peniston asked for compassion from Chief Justice Richard Ground because of the predicament of his client, who is being given medication for his toothache but cannot receive dental treatment until he is sentenced.

Dill and William Eugene Oral Robinson, 45, of Parsons Road, Pembroke, were previously convicted on plea of causing grievous bodily harm, robbery and possession of an offensive weapon.

Having heard the request from Mr. Peniston, Mr. Justice Ground fixed an earlier sentencing date of December 19, which would allow Dill to have his teeth dealt with before Christmas.

Mr. Peniston then hinted the sentencing date so close to Christmas might attract a further show of "season of goodwill" compassion, to which the Chief Justice said, in so many words, that would not be the case.

Two men found guilty of a terrifying machete and hoe attack that resulted in another man's finger being chopped off in a Devonshire ambush are to be sentenced on December 12.

Harron Lee Powell Evans, 31, and Akono Shakir Parsons, 24, were found guilty by a jury of wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm against Kuma Smith.

A four-week trial heard how Evans and Parsons jumped on motorbikes and pursued Mr. Smith in the Deepdale area.

The pair forced a truck to stop, leapt into the back and attacked Mr. Smith, 30, with the bladed weapons in January 2005.

They were convicted in November and will be sentenced at 2.30 p.m. on December 12 after appearing at the arraignments session on Friday.

A man who worked as a clerk for Robinson's Marine has been charged with larceny connected with a $54,000 payment and false accounting at the business between January 2002 and May 2002.

Keith Neville Martin, 54, of Third Avenue East, Devonshire pleaded not guilty to the larceny and fraudulent false accounting charges when he appeared at the arraignments.

He has been put on $2,000 bail to reappear for trial on March 12.

Smith's man Theron Williams, 20, is accused of causing grievous bodily harm to Sebastian Jose DeMorias while driving a motor vehicle when impaired in Warwick on January 30 last year.

On that same date, he is accused of causing actual bodily harm to Etel Dasilva while driving a vehicle on Middle Road, Warwick, in a manner dangerous to others.

Williams, of Town Hill Road, pleaded not guilty to both charges and has been given $2,000 bail to reappear for mention at the January arraignment session.

Muhammad Dawud Nasir, 40, of Fritholme Gardens, Paget, has denied wounding Dave Tucker with intent to cause grievous bodily harm on September 5 this year and had his bail extended to reappear in court on January 2.

Guest worker Donald Iain MacDonald, of Hill Top Drive, Southampton, was charged with causing death by dangerous driving after being involved in a two bike collision in North Street, Hamilton, last September, which resulted in the death of Canadian barmaid Anett Farkas, 24, has been bailed to reappear on January 2.

Brian Carlton Rogers, 45, of North Terrace, Pembroke, charged with breaking into Island Fried Chicken in Court Street on January 6, wilfully damaging a cash register and glass door and being found armed with a dangerous or offensive weapon with the intention to break in, is to face a trial on February 26.

Southampton woman Phyllis Marva Iona Soares who denies stealing $24,688 from a woman and forging a number of cheques in order to pay rental fee debts and a telephone company debt will reappear at the January 2 session.

Three young men charged with being involved in a violent disturbance in the Fairylands neighbourhood on June 5, are to go on trial on April 23 nest year.

The trio have had bail of $10,000 each extended until the trial.

Chase Jason Burgess, of Crisson Avenue, Pembroke, Marcus Gerath Burgess, of Radnor Estates Road, Hamilton Parish, and Kyle Tavares, of Fairylands Lane, Pembroke, who are all 24 or under, are charged with a number of offences including having offensive weapons.

Two men who deny breaking into a house and stealing $150,000 will face a trial on March 19 next year.

Antonio Donovan Myers, and Devario Vincent Whitter are accused of taking the money from Nelli Lima and Tarfari Outerbridge on March 1, 2005.

Jay Chantez Ming, who is charged with robbing Collin Scott Brown of cash and credit cards and using violence on December 12, 2004, and also causing Mr. Brown bodily harm, will face a trial on February 12. His bail has been extended.

A 21-year-old man who has admitted breaking into a guesthouse armed with a machete and carrying out a string of other hotel burglaries will be sentenced at Supreme Court next month.

Hamilton Parish man Jeron Marcus Douglas, of My Lord's Bay Lane, was remanded in custody to be sentenced on December 8.