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Lowered reputationMay 27, 2008Dear Sir,

Lowered reputation

May 27, 2008

Dear Sir,

One cannot help but wonder why The Ministry of Tourism is happily donating money to a foreign charity while worthwhile Bermudian causes and programmes have had Government funds reduced or withdrawn.

Also, reflecting on the the general sleaziness of the method of raising money for the foreign charity in question, I guess one should be grateful that the Ministry of Tourism's "Feel the Love" slogan wasn't emblazoned on the ample, upstanding bosom of a playful, Playboy Bunny.

How low is Bermuda's reputation going to be allowed to sink before those within the PLP determine that the current Premier should be removed from office?



Early to school

May 22, 2008

Dear Sir,

In reference to Chantel Barnshaw's rebuttal to Margot Cox's letter, I can commiserate with her to a degree, but just had to write a letter to the editor after reading her last paragraph, wherein she asks if Margot Cox would like to get up at 4 a.m. to get a boat and shuttle to school.

Margot was at school at BHS when our family lived on Paget Island. She got up every morning during the school term at 5 a.m. in order to catch a ferry to St. George's and then a bus to Hamilton. In those days the buses were green, moved very slowly and belched nasty black smoke.

I rarely saw my sister during school terms as she left before I was up, as I was at St. George's Grammar School, and she usually wasn't home until after I went to bed.

So, maybe you can try to understand that those of us who were at school during the fifties and sixties have a hard time feeling sorry for you because your routine has been temporarily disrupted.

Hats off to CedarBridge and Saltus students whose parents got with the programme!


St. David's

P.s. The cahow is a bird hovering on the brink of distinction and yes, is a more important story than a group of students who are unable to change their sleeping and studying habits for a few days a year.

Mockery of Parliament

May 25, 2008

Dear Sir,

I am so incensed and so disgusted to read that Dr. Brown closed down a debate in The House, because he felt threatened at being questioned and challenged as to why Coco Reef Resort had been granted so many concessions in a rather unusual sinister and suspicious manner.

What is it about the owner and this property that invites such special consideration? Kim Swan simplistically called it " an election pay back".

The facts reveal it must be more than that:

1. The lease has not been re examined or released for all to see.

2. The land belonged to The People, and could not be given away.

3. The woodland was not preserved as promised

4. Exemptions from various taxes, too numerous to mention here.

One could go on and on, MPs have repeatedly called for the original lease to be seen, and why and what for have all these concessions been granted to this man and this property? We The People want to know.

So Dr. Brown in his haste to block any further discussion on the subject, moves for the order to be sent to The Governor, The Speaker then calls for a vote, not enough parliamentarians are disgusted by the call, or not courageous enough to deny the vote to shut down the House, so they all pick up their marbles and go home! Shame on the lot of you.

Is the implication now that, if there is an insinuation of corruption and/or dishonesty in debate, The House can be shut down? As far as I can see under those circumstances, The House could never open again!!!

We seem to be travelling on what appears to be a shuffle train, totally out of control, running amok, loaded with an abusive misuse of power sign up on its headlights: "Don't care what you think", blatant offences, arrogant misdeeds unpunished.

When is this all going to end? Is it legal in our Constitution for the House to be shut down when the party in power does not like the debate? The Opposition to be denied debate? The representatives of The People stating and debating their business?

Surely a vote of no confidence should be placed before the PLP Government if we are to be denied the very essence of democracy, and an appeal to The British Government needs to be made.

Dr. Brown has made a mockery of our honourable Parliament and he should not be allowed to persist in this capacity.



Travel costs truth

May 23, 2008

Dear Sir,

I must agree with MP Richards. Government using American Express (Amex) does not reduce political travel costs unless Government makes an effort to not only get value for money, but to ensure that costs are justified in the People's interest.

More importantly, for a Government that preaches 'Buy Bermuda', why would they utilise American Express Travel Services when similar services are available and can be negotiated locally? What Government did not tell us is that Amex has a travel reservation service attached to their cards, therefore eliminating the need for local travel agents to book Government travel.

So, not only has Government increased the potential for individuals to lose their jobs as employees of RG, but they also increased the potential to keep local travel agents unemployed.

Lastly and based on direct corporate experience with Amex, using Amex does not reduce travel costs, when interest related fees, booking and late fees are factored in.

So what is the benefit ... bonus points and free stuff?

However, if American Express is a corporate sponsor of that October golf tournament, Government's decision makes some sense, though not necessarily ethical.



Rat hoax despicable

May 23, 2008

Dear Sir,

This is an open letter to John Roach, the owner of Chopsticks.

I don't care what his lawyer says, you sue that idiot for every dime you can get. Neither Stupidity nor ignorance is a defence for that gutless wonder's actions. I hope he wallows in the humiliation that the entire community and his family should bestow on him. He didn't mean it to get out to the public?.... Yeah, right.

And I agree with others that anyone who got this e-mail and sent it on should be deadly ashamed of themselves. I've known you for many years and I have never known you to be anything other then a person of total integrity and a first class restaurateur. You didn't deserve this and the courts, who always want to protect us from these idiots, should demonstrate it now.

And furthermore, I don't even like Chinese food but I am going to start eating at Chopsticks ! And I think all of your customers and anyone else who cares, should show their support by patronising Chopsticks.

I am really ticked off that this idiot is still not in jail ... and if I find out who he is, I'm going to take all those rats around my house over to his house and let them loose!

Your Buddy in Southampton

Losing paradise

Dear Sir,

There was once an Island Paradise, which was renowned for its warm welcome and friendly greeting for all who dared to venture onto its shores. Granted, this was not a perfect Utopia for all who inhabited this Paradise, as there were very real injustices done for far too many years to large segments of the local population.

These injustices can not, and should not be condoned or forgotten, for it was many of these same people who were instrumental in making this Paradise what is today. It is for this reason that we who today have the honour and privilege of calling this land home, should always be mindful of the sacrifices, humiliation and injustices that these people had to endure so that not only their children, but all of the children and future children of Paradise could all live in harmony and enjoy equally the opportunities that Paradise has to offer.

Sadly for Paradise this is not the case today. As a people we are no closer to the hopes and dreams of our ancestors, who looked forward to the day when harmony and equal justice for all would reign throughout the Land. Sooner rather than later was their dream.

Today nearly 400 years into the young life of Paradise, we find that far too many of our people have not learned that in order to move forward we must learn from past wrongs and injustices and strive not to repeat the wrongs that were thrust upon our ancestors, but to embrace their hopes and dreams for all of the children of Paradise.

Their dreams were not dreams of people seeking revenge and getting even, but the dreams of being one people. They were for a People who would look out for one another and who when extending a hand out to a fellow citizen or guest of Paradise, it would be to help someone up, and not to stick a knife into or pull the trigger of a gun to take the persons life.

We the citizens of Paradise need to understand that we are not alone in this great and wonderful universe, and whether or not we choose to accept the fact that Paradise has evolved as a result of the many diverse peoples who have chosen for whatever reason to come to and contribute to the quality of life that we are privileged, and yes, we are privileged to enjoy. We should not sit back and think that we are deserving of all of the luxuries that the world has to offer just because we are fortunate enough to have been born in Paradise, but we should all strive to see how each one of us can make a positive contribution to ensure that the future generations of Paradise can continue to prosper and have value of life.

So, the next time you feel the need to confront a person just because you don't share the same skin colour or the same nationality, just stop and think before you do, for they may be one of the people who is contributing to your well being.



What the salute means

May 23, 2008

Dear Sir,

In today's Royal Gazette I read that the Voters Rights Association is calling for the black power salute to be banned, and to illustrate, Premier Brown is shown with his left arm in a gesture of emphasis. I write "emphasis" because I was not there and do not know his specific intent.

Black people know what the salute means to black people, oppressed people of many hues around the globe know what it means when their leader identifies with them and uses that salute. They know it means solidarity and not an gesture that falls into the category of "advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence" as is intimated as by the VRA. Swastikas and cross burning I agree would. Perhaps the salute has degenerated to this level but it is news to me.

I must ask the question: what is it about this salute that has triggered so strong a response as to want to ban it? Know that what is triggered in you is in you already.

My guess is that what is inside is fear. The person who triggered the fear did not put it there. I repeat, it was there already. And what's more you have chosen it. And you choose to incite fear in others. I suggest taking ownership of the fear that is in you and ask yourselves why it is you are afraid. Everything that is present today is from a seed that was planted in the past. What happened in the past to make you fearful?

In ferreting out today's wrongs also be honest and identify the seed that sowed it.

The VRA wishes to align themselves with "rightness". Note that those who think they are right must find someone else wrong. One of the ways we do that is by calling on an authority to further validate and support our position. In this case it is the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the great icon of rightness the UK. I'm not suggesting that these two don't have good values I am only pointing our process.

