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Public asked to support march for affordable housing

People concerned about the lack of affordable housing are being urged to join a march through Hamilton this week organised by Families United In Action (FUA).

FUA hope the community will join them in drawing attention to the struggles of families who are homeless or living below the poverty line.

The march will take place on Friday. It will start at Albuoy?s Point at noon and end at Parliament Hill.

FUA president Terrie Bascome said: ?It?s time for Bermudians from all walks of life to come together.?

Ms Bascome, 29, is a mother-of-four. She said FUA is mostly made up mostly of single mothers who would like more support from Government in providing solutions to their problems.

?We know it?s a job issue, we have a lot of girls who come to us who are having financial difficulties and the reason they are having difficulties is because they don?t have the proper jobs to meet their monthly needs,? Ms Bascome said.

The group has prepared a number of recommendations for Government to consider, called the ?The People?s Agenda?.

These recommendations are designed to alleviate some of the challenges faced by families.

The key issue of concern to FUA is the lack of affordable, adequate housing which they believe is trapping people below or near the poverty line.

The FUA said it is unacceptable that families are expected to pay 60 or 70 percent of their income on housing and middle class working Bermudians are locked out of the rental market.

The organisation said that it should be considered a right of every Bermudian to have an adequate place to live as stated within the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

?We must develop incentives to private contractors to build affordable housing and build high rise apartments and condominiums that are available at affordable rents or sale prices,? Ms Bascome said.

?To increase the available supply for low income Bermudians, we must address the practice by many landlords of refusing to rent to mothers with children in favour of expatriate workers.?

Ms Bascome said the public is more than welcome to come on the march but was keen to stress that it is not just for single parents or women but for everyone in the community to show their support.