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A domestic violence wake-up call

October was Domestic Violence Awareness month and it is an honour to say that the Student Council raised more than $1,500 in support of The Centre against Abuse. On Friday October 1, the Berkeley students as well as the teachers wore denim clothing to support this cause. This particular grub day symbolised the willingness and ability to stop domestic and dating violence. The student council president and vice-president presented a cheque to Mr Darius Richardson, of The Centre against Abuse, in a year 4 assembly on Friday, November 5.

Domestic violence occurs against one in every four women. Not only does the violence occur physically, but verbally, emotionally, and sexually as well. Abuse doesn't pinpoint any particular race, sexual orientation, nor the rich or poor. This should be a wakeup call to everybody on the Island.

If you're a victim of domestic violence The Centre against Abuse offers programmes to assist in overcoming this problem. Ms Laurie Shiell, the executive director, Mrs Rosana Vickers, the programme director and Mr Darius Richardson, programme manager, are all available for anyone who seeks help.

Year 4 student council representative Kazim Muhammed felt it was a good cause for the students to support. He said: "People are getting abused every day in Bermuda, and The Centre against Abuse helps them to rebuild strength and courage so that they can re-enter the community with self-esteem."

Kazim also stated that: "We should turn this into an annual event. We should try to have people share their stories in assemblies so that students realise that it does happen in Bermuda, and that we all can help stop domestic abuse if we know more about it."

The student council has provided the first step by having the whole of The Berkeley Institute recognise this serious issue. Now it is up to Bermuda as a whole to follow their footsteps and be attentive towards ending domestic violence!