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Island gets protective with copyright tribunal

A rift with a UK copyrights authority seeking to charge local businesses for the use of music should be resolved by the founding of Bermuda’s own Copyright Tribunal.

According to a letter issued by Acting Registrar General Aubrey Pennyman, the tribunal is expected to come into operation on February 1.

Its primary function will be to make “a ruling in cases where parties cannot agree on the terms and conditions of a copyright licences”.

A number of establishments voiced their concerns with the advent of a fee payment scheme brought to the Island by the UK-based Performance Rights Society.

Ben Fairn, spokesman for the Bermuda Music Users Group, told The Royal Gazette: “BMUG welcomes this announcement and looks forward to having the ability to settle any disputes with PRS over their exorbitant fee structure with the Tribunal.

“Given the struggle of local businesses, we can only hope that PRS has heard our concerns and will attempt to be reasonable and not require the Tribunal to rule on every case.”

Mr Fairn said the fees initially asked of Bermuda had been far too high, and needed to be brought in line with those expected of similar-sized jurisdictions.