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Health council launches ‘Fresh Food Fridays’

[LAYOUT-220080508025611000-168,699,313,718-\LAYOUT] Vegetables Image by &Copy; Tom Grill/Corbis

Free fresh foods are to be distributed by the Bermuda Health Council as part of a drive to boost public health, it was revealed yesterday.

A spokeswoman for the BHeC said “Fresh Food Fridays” would be held around the island and would also be used as a forum for people to “engage with the council on how we can best work to create sustainable solutions for our communities”.

She added: “The council believes that a healthier Bermuda begins with providing access to healthier choices.

“Healthy choices are critical to individuals at every age.”

But she said: “Through forums and phone calls, the health council has heard that healthy choices can sometimes be difficult to afford or find.

“The inability of some to obtain the important ingredients of a healthy lifestyle motivated the council to act.”

The spokeswoman added: “It is the council’s viewpoint the equitable access to health is a right and if it requires outside investment to ensure that this right is protected, then such investments will be made.”

The council said that the “pop-ups” will be held every Friday and that dates and locations would be announced on the council’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

The spokeswoman added that a pilot programme was run with Glenn Fubler of community group Imagine Bermuda and that its success had convinced the council to continue.

She said that other organisations had also contributed to the fresh food drive.

The spokeswoman added: “These partners have demonstrated that they believe in the overall goal of a healthier population.

“We hope that through these types of collaborative efforts we can create and environment in Bermuda where no one has to choose to skip a healthy meal in favour of unhealthy products because of income.”

She added: “We are committed to improving access to goods and services that positively impact the health of the population.

“We understand the social determinants and health risks that end in chronic illness and life-changing health events. Fresh Food Fridays is a small part of that commitment, and hopefully a symbol to those seeking health that their journey is supported by their community.”

Anyone interested in more information on the scheme can also join BHeC’s mailing list at www.bhec.bm