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Govt. makes big changes on Tourism Board

Those were among the changes revealed yesterday when Government gazetted the make-up of 86 boards and commissions.The biggest changes were on the Tourist Board, which grows to 20 members from 13 and will be chaired by Mr.

received new chairmen for 1996.

Those were among the changes revealed yesterday when Government gazetted the make-up of 86 boards and commissions.

The biggest changes were on the Tourist Board, which grows to 20 members from 13 and will be chaired by Mr. Alan Richardson of the Bank of Bermuda. Tourism Minister David Dodwell, who briefly chaired the board before taking his present post, said the changes were intended "to give it a higher profile and make it more communicative with the public.'' New members include Mr. Stephen Barker of Princess Hotels, Mr. Cyril Cooper of Rosemont, Bermuda International Business Association chairman Mr. Thomas Davis, Mr. David Hamshere of the English Sports Shop, Mr. Llewellyn Harvey of Once Upon a Table, Mr. Larry Jacobs of the Corporation of St. George, Mr.

Wilhelm Sack of Horizons, Mr. George Smith of the West End Development Corporation, Mr. Robin Spencer-Arscott of BIBA, Mr. Marico Thomas of Four-Star Pizza, and Mr. Gil Tucker of Kempe & Whittle.

Mr. Dodwell said he was very high on the new board and it would play a greater role advising on the direction of tourism than ever before.

On the Board of Education, Mrs. Kim Young is succeeded by Mrs. Debby Graham, who has served on the board about two years.

An executive at Johnson & Higgins (Bermuda) Ltd., Mrs. Graham will bring "a fresh new perspective,'' said Education and Human Affairs Minister Jerome Dill. Mrs. Young stepped aside because she was recently named to chair a new task force on women's issues, Mr. Dill said.

Three vacancies on the Board of Education would be filled in the New Year, he said.

And at the Women's Advisory Council, Mrs. Angela Berry succeeds Mrs. Jo Carol Robinson as chairman.

A newcomer to the council, Mrs. Berry is a young corporate lawyer at Appleby, Spurling & Kempe.

118 Board changes "She has a reputation for getting things done,'' said Mr. Dill, who was acting Minister of Legislative Affairs and Women's Issues because Sen. Lynda Milligan-Whyte was off the Island.

In other changes: Mr. Keith Hollis succeeds Mr. John W. (Buddy) Lewis as chairman of the Air Advisory Committee.

Transport Minister Wayne Furbert said he saw a growing role for this committee, which would also have a BIBA representative for the first time.

Lady Swan, the wife of former Premier Sir John Swan, was named to the Bermuda College Board of Governors along with Mr. Timothy Terceira of Marriott's Castle Harbour Hotel and Ms Jean Marie Wade.

Mr. John Harvey, who was formerly deputy chairman, takes over as chairman of the Public Works Board, succeeding Youth and Sport Minister Tim Smith.

Newly-named to the Public Works Board are Mrs. Evangeline Anderson of Southampton, who works in the United Bermuda Party office, and Mr. Perry O.


Mr. Johnson, who has served on many Government boards, was also promoted to chairman of the Roads Advisory Committee.

Taxi driver Mr. George Scott and Mr. Joe L. Brown of the Bermuda Taxi Federation were among new members named to the Taxi Advisory Committee. On any board, "you need those people that are being affected,'' Mr. Furbert said.

Similarly, BTF president Mr. Wendell Tucker is among several newcomers to the Public Service Vehicles Licensing Board, Mr. Furbert said.

Hotelier Mr. W.A. (Toppy) Cowen was named to the Roads Advisory Committee.