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Living in a new age of collaboration

Coming soon: Olderhood is creating a video series on financial planning with Robin Trimingham and Martha Harris Myron, pictured (File photograph)

This week as I pivot between online development meetings with new business partners in the United States, Britain, Canada and Singapore, I am excited to give you a glimpse into some of the ways that my colleagues and I are expanding a number of our projects internationally from our beautiful island of Bermuda.

As one team member succinctly remarked, “The pandemic has proved to be the great leveller, making it feasible for businesses of any size to partner online globally in ways that were never possible before.”

For as much as we may have lost physical travel as a result of the pandemic — for a time at least — we have gained a vast opportunity to expand globally by leveraging our creative talents collectively in a virtual environment to and from anywhere in the world.

In the coming weeks you will see Olderhood podcasting on The Royal Gazette and video-chatting online with elite presenters from around the world in a variety of disciplines. Commencing this week with our two ten-minute interviews with professor Pete Alexander, a stress management coach from Seattle, Washington, we will be bringing the best coaches, trainers, consultants, and presenters directly to your chosen digital device.

These visionary individuals believe, as we do, that we are stronger together and serving their fellow man to the best of their ability is the way to help themselves as much as the individuals whose lives they touch.

The wide range of topics that we will be covering includes: self-leadership, anger management, unmasking conflict and negativity, diversity without adversity, workplace team development, leading in a virtual environment, understanding a multigenerational workforce, leading through continuous change, a multitude of personal development considerations and many more.

We will also be continuing to work with our Bermuda partners to put out a series of short informational videos on business development considerations and personal financial literacy development. We are creating brand-new video series — with Martha Harris Myron and myself on financial planning called Fast Facts and with Amoti Nyabongo and my partner, Bill Storie, on Better Business Bytes, which will contain a wealth of tips and strategies for business development.

Today’s technology is a wonderful mechanism to bring information to a wide audience. However, to be transformative, the content must be relatable, engaging and catered for all tastes.

Since 2013, Olderhood prides itself in having been able to bring meaningful and understandable information to our followers in social media, our blog, our television shows, and our two years of wonderful radio on Magic 102.7FM.

This expansion of our Podcast Series in partnership with The Royal Gazette is a big step forward for Olderhood and we are very excited about it.

As I write this, Bill and I are both honoured and humbled that these gifted people have been so willing to share their time and expertise with us and the people of Bermuda — I am sure that we will all learn much from this experience.

Watch out for some really exciting guests over the next few weeks.

Changing the world one word at a time.

Robin Trimingham is an author and thought leader in the field of retirement who specialises in helping corporate groups and individuals understand and prepare for a new life beyond work. Contact her at www.olderhoodgroup.com, 538-8937 or robin@olderhood.com