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A place to call her own

For months now a young lady I know has been looking for an apartment to rent. She's been working tirelessly at following up every lead she gets and is listed at several rental agencies. At the time Hurricane Fabian struck, she had already been asked to vacate an apartment that she had rented for many years because the house had been sold and the new owners wanted the apartment for their own use. However, the Hurricane caused damage that forced her to vacate immediately.

December 17, 2003

Dear Sir,

For months now a young lady I know has been looking for an apartment to rent. She's been working tirelessly at following up every lead she gets and is listed at several rental agencies. At the time Hurricane Fabian struck, she had already been asked to vacate an apartment that she had rented for many years because the house had been sold and the new owners wanted the apartment for their own use. However, the Hurricane caused damage that forced her to vacate immediately.

This young lady is a responsible and reliable single mother of one five-year-old child. She has always paid her rent on time, and I have no reason to believe that she will not continue to pay her rent on time in the future. It saddens me that a responsible person like my friend, who works full time for a decent salary, cannot find an affordable place to call home. How wrong is that?

All my friend wants for Christmas is a place to call her own. I'm appealing to anyone with an affordable apartment for rent (not more than $1300 per month) to please call 799-2416 and I will put you in touch with her.

