Suffering senior is thinking of taking landlord to court
A SENIOR citizen, who has suffered inside her Bermuda Housing Corporation (BHC) home for more than a year while drug dealers and prostitutes conduct their activities on her front porch, is now contemplating taking her landlord to court.The woman feels she has no other option as representatives from the BHC and the Government, and Ombudsman Arlene Brock continue to turn a blind eye to her troubles despite the fact that her rent is regularly paid on time and she abides by every other regulation in her rental contract.
She first contacted this newspaper nearly two months ago after it became apparent her pleas for assistance were being ignored by Housing Minister David Burch, Premier Ewart Brown, Social Rehabilitation Minister Dale Butler, current head of the BHC Glenn Brangman, and Ms Brock.
The only comfort she has received has come from the Opposition, the woman said.
“Kind members of the United Bermuda Party (Shadow Public Safety Minister) Michael Dunkley and (Shadow Sports Minister) Jon Brunson came to my house to express their concern.”
Despite several attempts by the Mid-Ocean News, no explanation has been offered as to why nothing has been done to provide the woman with the “adequate and safe housing” she desires.
The only reply to our questions was an e-mailed response from the Housing Minister: “If I thought for one second that you were representing a real newspaper — I would answer — but since you are not . . .”
Said the woman this week: “I’m sick and tired of this Government playing games. For the last nine years we were promised adequate and safe housing.
“The people still don’t have adequate and safe housing. (Finance Minister) Paula Cox allocated $144 million for adequate and safe housing; $44 million went to the BHC.
“So she has a moral duty to confer with Minister Burch to make sure the money is spent the right way. She’s not doing anything like that. It’s not right and I’m sick and tired of the whole PLP dilemma.
“They’ve had nine years to get it right. We have had three different Premiers. Under Jennifer Smith, as far as the BHC, we had a scandal and up to this day I feel sorry for Terrance Smith — one man taking the rap all by himself. Under (Alex) Scott’s Government, six top managers left the BHC. And under Brown, they’re allowing the BHC to rent out crack houses.”
The woman pays $900 a month to live in a place she can’t enjoy because of the drug addicts who perpetrate anti-social behaviours, and the noise caused by people who use a path which runs through her porch, as a shortcut.
“The PLP Government and the Premier, the Bermuda Housing Corporation, Arlene Brock, Dale Butler and Col. Burch (pictured><\p> — they all have a moral obligation to acknowledge my issues and up until this day, they have not,” she said.
“Since those two stories appeared in the Mid-Ocean Ne$>, I’ve had retaliation. My next move is to take the BHC to court — which will cost me.
“The BHC is supposed to be helping me, but the system is failing people. They’re playing games with me and their behaviour is disrespectful and unacceptable. It’s been going on for over a year and my next step is to take them to court.”
She said that the BHC, which manages the property, has a responsibility to its owner and her, the tenant. And she insisted it was the quango’s indifference to her situation that forced her to go to the press with her concerns.
Only after her repeated requests that Major Brangman deal with her problem was she shown “dormitory-style accommodation” in Prospect last September. On offer was a room in a block of several, which boasted a tiny, walled-off kitchen and a small bathroom.
“I couldn’t believe it,” she exclaimed as she recollected the state of what she was then offered.
“It was worse than what I have. Outside there was a group of guys loitering and carrying on. Inside were several big rooms. The one they showed me was nasty.
“I said, ‘I can’t believe you’re doing this to me. If you’re going to relocate me for being a desirable tenant, you give me something better, not a dormitory’.”
She said that one of the two BHC inspectors there that day agreed completely.
“Derek Bean agreed with me. He told me I was right not to take it. It wasn’t even a house. It was shared accommodation. I asked Major Brangman what he was trying to do to me and he admitted he knew it wasn’t the right place for me.
“It’s time for Government to get rid of Col. Burch,” she continued. “He has no sense, no sensitivity and he is doing nothing to help my situation.”
She argued that the Ombudsman’s disregard of her case indicated she also “needs to be replaced”.
“If she was concerned, she would reach out to the Housing Minister and the BHC and say, ‘She hasn’t gone away. What are we going to do’?”
And there was equally harsh criticism for the island’s first Social Rehabilitation Minister, Dale Butler, who the woman said failed to keep a promise to contact her.
“He’s responsible for anti-social behaviour. (He has the power to) hold tenants and landlords responsible for anti-social behaviour. If Mr. Butler was proactive in this area, like the Premier said his Ministry would be, he would cut off the traffic going through (my property).
“But he hasn’t. And for that reason I continue to fail Dale. I wouldn’t even bail Dale. Rehabilitation doesn’t lie. It doesn’t ignore people. Rehabilitation keeps its promises.
“If this Government was as transparent and as active as Dr. Brown said it would be in 2007, Government would have gotten in touch with me. Col. Burch has not.
“Premier Brown continues to say the BHC is doing good when they’re not doing good at all. Under Brown, the BHC rents crack houses to people in depressing areas.
“The PLP is not good on housing, crime or drugs. They’re obliged to come and see what this senior is trying to tell them. If they can bulldoze (derelict properties), they can block off my path which is used 24 hours a day by trespassers. They have the power to come and do that, but they refuse to acknowledge this senior’s cry.”
The woman described the Government as “cold-blooded”, saying it knowingly placed her in an apartment frequented by drug dealers.
“The PLP pretends they care about people but I know they’re cold-blooded. I live in a two-apartment house. The other tenant is (related to) the landlord.
“I was told they moved the guy who was in the house before me because he was encouraging the activity. The other tenant screamed and hollered because she couldn’t get any sleep and they moved him.
“Now that I’m complaining, she’s keeping quiet. If the BHC decide to move me, the tenant next door should be moved also.
“Government told the Ombudsman they offered to relocate me. They haven’t. They’re full of crap. They’re lying. They just give me the silent treatment hoping I will go away.
“I will not run from the BHC. I’m not afraid of the BHC. I continue to pay my rent on time, all the time and I keep the place better than it was when they gave it to me. The BHC will always be unethical.”
Had she been telling untruths, the senior said, the Housing Minister would have exposed her as a liar.
“The BHC is not a professional team. Col. Burch is unprofessional and childish. All he can do is go on the radio and TV and expose people who owe rent and who are undesirable.
“That’s not professional — giving them a black mark, preventing them from being considered for renting houses in the future. But Col. Burch doesn’t have a plan. The BHC has no plan.
“Summer is coming. I cannot keep stifling myself in that house. I need the landlord to block off the property and all the BHC has offered me is a room.
“They’re telling everyone besides me that they will relocate me. They’re not going to relocate me because we are going to court.”
I’m sick and tired of this Government playing games, says suffering senior