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Portuguese float claims top prize

The winning float from the Portuguese Association and Vasco Da Gama Club (Photograph supplied)

The Portuguese Association and Vasco Da Gama Club claimed top prize at the Bermuda Day Float Awards.

The group won the Natural Heritage Float Category award for its design which depicted traditional Portuguese life.

CedarBridge Academy and the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs came second and third in the Natural Heritage contest.

City of Hamilton won first place in the Art Float Category, with Lotus Mind Body Wellness second and Cybertips third.

Controversy was the Upcycled Float Winner.

Special Awards went to:

• Premier’s Award for Best Float: CedarBridge Academy

• Reggie Ming Award for Most Beautiful Float: Wadson’s Farm

• Minister’s Award for Most Original Float: Controversy

• Ruth Thomas Award for Best Heritage Float: Portuguese Cultural Association in conjunction with Vasco de Gama Club

• Dr Marjorie Bean Award for Best High School Float: CedarBridge Academy

• Mrs J.J. Outerbridge Award for Best Individual Float: Anchor Boys Club

• LCCA Award for Best Charity Float: Portuguese Cultural Association in conjunction with Vasco de Gama Club

• Chamber of Commerce Award for Best Corporate Float: a tie between the City of Hamilton and Johns Hopkins

• Best Government Department: Department of Community and Cultural Affairs

Community affairs minister Lovitta Foggo said: “From the dazzling costumes and energy showcased by the various dance groups, to the wonderful display of tradition from the Gombey troupes closing out the parade, it was a fabulous day.

“We want to acknowledge and highlight the float participants who spent many long hours creating remarkable displays of tradition and pageantry.

“I am very grateful to the judges who had to make some very difficult decisions this year.

“Congratulations to you all and thank you once again for your contributions in making this year’s Bermuda Day Parade another successful and enjoyable occasion.”

Photograph supplied