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Outraged Caines sounds warning to crime lords

Not impressed: Wayne Caines, the Minister of National Security, at last night’s press conference (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

The spate of violent crime that took place over the holiday weekend will not be tolerated, the Minister of National Security warned last night.

Speaking of the multiple shootings and stabbings, one of which was fatal, Wayne Caines said: “Bringing harm to others and instilling fear in the public will not be accepted under any circumstances. We will continue to push back against those who insist on bringing violence and disorder to our country.

“These are all very troubling developments and the people of Bermuda should be rightly outraged about such incidents that shake the foundation of our community.”

Mr Caines, who was speaking at a Covid-19 press conference, said he would give a full update in Parliament on Friday on the work being done to reduce the violence seen over National Heroes weekend.

“The Gang Violence Reduction Team increased its street outreach work and visited targeted neighbourhoods,” he said.

“The team has been working around the clock to directly mediate tensions and conflicts between groups and individuals.”

He added that the Co-ordinated Crisis Response Unit was deployed several times over the weekend to support the community through any emotional hardship.

David Burt, the Premier, added: “The actions of a few have changed the lives of family and friends who lost the life of a loved one through the senseless death of a 22-year-old Bermudian.”