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Faith is at the root of my success

Reverend Shayne Scott will speak at the Impact Bermuda Conference next weekend (Photograph supplied)

Reverend Shayne Scott struggled in school but did not let that stop him from achieving.

He credits God with much of his success.

“Despite [my academic challenges] I persevered through high school then through college and eventually thrived in post graduate studies,” said Mr Scott, a primary teacher at Saltus Grammar School.

“I developed a deep appreciation for the education process and became an educator myself. I feel that if I can do it, many more of us can do it as well. We can have an impact and leave an imprint when we are determined to rise above.”

He’s one of several people who will speak at next weekend’s Impact Bermuda Conference at Willowbank Resort.

Reverend Georgette Prime-Godwin will host the three-day event which will also feature the music of gospel duo, Last Call.

“I’ve always had a desire to make a difference in the world around me, but I’ve not always known how I would go about leaving an imprint,” Mr Scott, the Minister of Youth and Music for Evening Light Pentecostal Church said. “Along the way I’ve learnt a few things, embraced who I am, overcome feelings of insecurity and inability and gone on to achieve at a greater level than I would have dreamt.”

His hope is the conference helps people understand they have the ability to positively shape their culture, society and surroundings and leave a lasting legacy. As such, he will give practical advice on how people can make an impact on a local and global scale.

“The focus of my message next weekend will be on the ‘doing’ — the decisions we need to embrace, the actions we need to take and steps we need to make in order to see these things come to fruition in our lives,” Mr Scott said. “My encouragement will be to move away from unintentional living to a more purpose-oriented existence. I believe there is a blessing that God bestows that will enrich our lives. We need to pursue it, realise it and teach it to others.

“It is my hope that people will leave feeling empowered, inspired and equipped with the tools necessary to fulfil their destiny and leave a significant imprint on the world.”

Mr Scott began his walk with the Lord at an early age and “never looked back”. He decided to pursue the call of God on his life, gaining a bachelor of theology degree from Eastern Pentecostal Bible College in 1997.

While there, he became the first black man — and the youngest — selected as the college’s dean of men, a position with responsibility for student affairs.

At Evening Light he serves under the leadership of Pastors Harold and Marilyn Lambe.

“When I do reflect, I’m so thankful to God for his direction in my life,” he said. “It is clear that there is a lot that God has shielded me from and guided me towards and I’m so thankful for all that He has done in my life. It is by far, the best decision I have ever made [to follow Him].

“My relationship with Christ has given my life purpose, direction and integrity. It has stretched me in ways I never thought possible. Serving God has been so amazing I know that there are so many others in need of the same offer of the grace of God in their lives.”

While not every season in his faith walk has been rosy, Mr Scott has learnt that God is always faithful.

“The Bible teaches that God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him,” he said, referring to Hebrews 11:6. “There have been so many times when I’ve doubted His presence with me. I think we tend to feel this way sometimes because God is not a physical entity that walks with us.

“He is, by Biblical definition, a Spirit and we interact with Him as such. However in my life He has proved Himself over and over again. He has given guidance, direction, career planning, financial assistance, spousal enrichment, parental guidance and more. In some very tangible ways, He has shown Himself to be reliable, dependable and faithful. I’ve seen the words of Scripture come off the pages of the Bible and apply to my life in very real ways. It has proved that I serve a real God who keeps his promises and can be trusted with my present and future.”

Having God use his life to bless, encourage and educate others has been one of his greatest joys. Through his ministry career he’s also enjoyed seeing children come to an understanding of who God is, how big He is and how interested He is in their lives.

Playing a part in their spiritual development is extremely humbling, Mr Scott said.

“Leading and directing a congregation of believers to focus their attention on the worship of a great God, while allowing their own problems to fade is electrifying. Praying for people and believing in God with them for solutions and resolutions to situations only God can heal is a glimpse of heaven on earth and I’m privileged to be a part of it all.

“I’ve seen young people conform their living to exist in accordance with God’s word. Then I’ve watched as God has preserved them, led them through university, given them hearts of service, provided significant employment and blessed them with spouses. I’ve been so pleased to be a part of the mentoring process to facilitate this growth in people. It’s the greatest joy of serving in ministry.”

Rev Shayne Scott will tell his story at the Impact Bermuda Conference which runs from next Friday through Sunday at Willowbank Resort in Sandys. For more information, visit www.godwininternational.org/impactbermuda