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Anguish at third gun death in 12 days

Shooting vicitim: Shane Minors

Anguished screams could be heard from yet another Pembroke home as families awoke to Bermuda's third murder in 12 days.

Shane Minors was shot outside his home on South Terrace, off Friswells Hill, at approximately 1.15 a.m. yesterday.

Police were not notified until 6.15 a.m.

It was not the first time the Minors family was caught in the crosshairs of the escalating gang violence now gripping the Island. In November, Shane's brother Shakai and his girlfriend Renee Kuchler were shot outside Southside Cinema in St. David's. Both survived.

Many said Shane stayed out of the Parkside and 42nd Street rivalry. Yesterday, Police would not comment on whether there was a link.

Seventeen people have been shot since May 22.

The 30-year-old is believed to have had one child.

Neighbours watched yesterday morning as sobbing family members descended the hill. Through last night they remained too distraught to speak.

Last week Kumi Harford was killed in a hail of bullets 500 yards from the Island's most recent murder site.

And on Tuesday Gary 'Fingaz' Cann was murdered in Somerset. Wednesday morning saw Quinton Baisden shot in the hand outside Warwick Lanes bowling alley. And hours later shots rung out along Court Street, though no one was injured.

Speaking for the first time since Mr. Cann and Mr. Minors were murdered, Premier Ewart Brown issued a two-line statement.

It said: "For every life lost to violence in our community, we suffer the pain as a Country.

"I extend condolences on behalf of the Government to the family and friends of the latest victim."

A spokesman for the Bermuda Police Service said the force was working around the clock.

"The top priority for the Police remains catching and convicting the persons responsible for these heinous acts and reducing the violence," he said. "There is already a significant Police presence in neighbourhoods where there is the potential for inter-gang violence.

"In addition, Police have specialist officers from the Serious Crime Unit, Forensic Support Unit and Community Action Teams assisting with the active investigations into this fatal shooting as well as the other fatal and non-fatal shooting incidents."

Again Police have appealed for any witnesses or anyone with any information about this incident — or others — to contact investigators at the Serious Crime Unit on 299-8115. Anyone with any information is also encouraged to call the confidential Crime Stoppers Bermuda Hotline at 800-8477. Anonymous tips can also be sent via the Crime Stoppers Bermuda website, www.crimestoppers.bm.