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Xtreme Sports Games moves to new venue

Close moment: Team Butterfield & Vallis stretch for third base against Team JLT at last year’s Xtreme Sports Games (File photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Wearing a giant bubble costume and crashing into colleagues while playing football has to be one of the more unconventional ways for corporate employees to let off steam — but it has proven to be very popular.

That is one of the reasons why the Xtreme Sports Games is back for a fourth year. It is set to feature 20 teams representing companies and organisations who will compete against one another at a variety of somewhat crazy sports, including bubble football, slip ‘n’ slide kickball, volleypong, and the classic relays that include three-legged racing and sack-racing.

This year the games will be at PHC Field in Warwick, a new location after previously being staged at the National Sports Centre’s North Field. The event will be held on April 13.

Among the teams expected to compete are reigning champions HSBC Bermuda, and last year’s runners-up Butterfield Bank.

Each team can have a maximum of 20 members; the minimum is ten. The winning team will receive prize money that will be donated to its chosen registered charity. Last year Team HSBC secured a $5,000 prize for The Reading Clinic.

The Xtreme Sports Games has been hailed as a fun day of events and team-building activities. Companies that took part last year included Clarien Bank, Digicel, BCB, Correia Construction, JLT, Butterfield & Vallis, and KPMG.

This year’s competition will feature many of the favourite games from previous year, with one or two new ones that are being kept secret for now.

Event organiser Marquel Waldron, of Xtreme Sports Ltd, said: “It’s a new venue, but it’s going to be the same exciting day.

“It has really grown. When I first started it, I did not know it would grow this big. Certainly in the corporate community it is one of the most anticipated things. The companies who have previously participated are looking forward to doing so again, and we have some new companies.”

Mr Waldron said the Xtreme Sports business has also proven popular with companies arranging their own team-building fun events, and with families hosting parties.

“It is going really well, the rentals and birthday parties. We will be having a big expansion soon.”

Companies, organisations and other teams interested in taking part in the Xtreme Sports Games 2019, can register by going to https://tinyurl.com/ybrj5voc The deadline is February 15. Further information is available by e-mailing info@xtremesportsbmd.com or calling 705-4900

Fun day: the Clarien team who competed in last year's Xtreme Sports Games (Photograph supplied)
Reigning champions: the HSBC Bermuda team celebrates after winning the 2018 Xtreme Sports Games (Photograph supplied)
Game face: Team HSBC dominated a game of dodge ball game against Team Digicel at last year’s Xtreme Sports Games (File photograph by Blaire Simmons)
On their toes: Team Digicel members try to dodge their way to victory against Team HSBC at last year's Xtreme Sports Games (File photograph by Blaire Simmons)