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Networking chance for scholarship winner

Katie Bennett (Photograph supplied)

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Bermuda Chapter announces the Chamberlain Scholarship Award winner Ms. Katie Bennett, the Advancement Officer at the National Museum of Bermuda (NMB). This scholarship provides funding for Ms. Bennett to attend the International Conference of the Association of Fundraising Professionals in San Antonio Texas, on March 31- April 2, 2019. The annual Conference is a combination of education, networking and inspiration and the keynote speaker this year is Soledad O’Brien, Award Winning Journalist, Documentarian, News Anchor, Producer, Entrepreneur & Philanthropist.

Nominated by Founding President, Jennifer Burland Adams, AFP Bermuda knows Ms. Bennett as an emerging and impressive young professional in the field, who is committed to improving her skills to best help the NMB continue to be an invaluable resource to locals and tourists with philanthropic support.

“I am honoured to receive this scholarship and look forward networking and learning from other fundraising professionals at AFP Icon 2019 in San Antonio. I appreciate the opportunity to deepen my knowledge and share what I will learn with fellow AFP Bermuda members” stated Ms. Bennett when hearing of being awarded this scholarship opportunity.

National Museum of Bermuda Executive Director Elena Strong stated, “I’d like to express my sincere thanks to the AFP Bermuda Chapter for providing this scholarship for Katie to attend the AFP Annual Conference. It not only supports the professional development of a young local professional but, in turn, will further help NMB to follow best fundraising practices.”

“The executive of AFP Bermuda is delighted to support another professional committed to our field who brings value and a code of ethics to raising funds” president of AFP Bermuda, Gordon Johnson stated, “Ms. Bennett joins a growing list of professionals in Bermuda and we look forward to her continued contribution to the field when she returns from the conference and shares her experience with us. In addition to the opportunity for the Chamberlain scholarship, AFP Bermuda offers educational and networking opportunities throughout the year, in our mission to support the efficient, effective and ethical practice of raising funds for Bermuda’s nonprofits.”

Past Chamberlain Scholarship AFP Bermuda Chapter awardees include:

• Suzanne DeCouto – Bermuda Red Cross

• Tammalita Joseph - WindReach (formerly BUEI)


The Chamberlain Scholarship program honours Ralph E. Chamberlain, CFRE. Mr. Chamberlain had a long and distinguished career of service to the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), beginning in the 1960s when the organization was formed as the National Society of Fund Raisers (NSFR), through the late 1970s when the name was changed to the National Society of Fund Raising Executives (NSFRE), and until his death in 1999. Mr. Chamberlain’s dedication to the organization we now know as AFP never faltered in his long volunteer career with the Association. Because of his long-time support of the Foundation’s annual fund and generous planned gift, the AFP Board of Directors renamed their Conference Scholar Program in 2000 to honor Mr. Chamberlain’s memory and commitment to the Association.

The AFP Foundation offers every AFP chapter in accord for 2018 one Chamberlain Scholarship, which covers the recipient’s conference registration, minus a $10 processing fee, to the AFP International Conference on Fundraising in San Antonio in 2019. The scholarship is available to individuals who have never attended an AFP international conference.

AFP Bermuda is committed to investing in and supporting the mentoring, training and development of professionals involved in raising funds in Bermuda – these individuals are often in specific roles such as Director of Advancement/Fundraising, Consultant, or blended roles such as Executive Director, CEO, Managing Director, Trustee, Board Member and/or Volunteer.”

• For information about AFP visit their website at: http://www.afpnet.org

• For information on AFP Bermuda Chapter, membership and upcoming workshops please contact: Gordon Johnson at 505-3820 or Gordon.robert.johnson@gmail.com

Press release from the Association of Fundraising Professionals