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Commissioner’s wife backs anticancer fight

Raising awareness: Commissioner of Police Stephen Corbishley and his wife, Deborah (Photograph submitted)

The wife of Bermuda’s top police officer is backing an effort to raise awareness about breast cancer.

Deborah Corbishley, spouse of Stephen Corbishley, the Commissioner of Police, said that she wholeheartedly supported a drive being launched by the Bermuda Police Service.

Ms Corbishley said that the prevalence of breast cancer, diagnosed in one in eight women, made it important to discuss.

She explained: “It is very likely someone you know will be facing this disease.”

Ms Corbishley said that a number of people close to her, including family members and friends, had battled the disease.

She said her aunt had breast cancer diagnosed in 2001.

The same happened to her cousin a few years later while still in her twenties.

Ms Corbishley said that her aunt had undergone a double mastectomy, while her cousin had a mastectomy.

She added: “They are both in the clear and loving life with a whole new prospective.

“That should be the prospective we all have at the beginning and look after ourselves and one another every day.”

Ms Corbishley said that early detection and treatment of the disease was key.

She added: “Don’t be afraid. Recognise the symptoms. Get early advice. You can and will beat this disease.”

The BPS will tomorrow unveil a “tribute vehicle” created in partnership with Noble Automotive Ltd, Autobahn Accessories and CedarBridge Academy pupils. The vehicle was designed to pay tribute to Latasha Gibson, a police officer who died of cancer last year.

The unveiling coincides with October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Men’s Health Awareness Month — with a focus on prostate health — which will be marked next month.

The vehicle will be on display at City Hall from 12pm until 2pm on Wednesday when more than 100 woman police officers and police staff are expected to be present.

Honouring a colleague: the Bermuda Police Service pays respect to Latisha Gibson, a policewoman who died last year. The project was completed with the assistance of Noble Automotive Ltd, Autobahn Accessories and CedarBridge Academy pupils (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)