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Ming making progress overseas

Well-loved chef Fred Ming is doing well in a Boston Hospital, a hospital spokeswoman told last night.

Christine Fennelly of the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, said that ?all is well? with Mr. Ming.

?He is getting constant therapy,? she said. She also said that Mr. Ming is receiving speech therapy.

Mr. Ming was seriously injured while he was riding his bike on South Shore Road at the Collector?s Hill junction on October 7. He was in critical condition for several weeks in King Edward VII Memorial Hospital and was flown out to Boston last week.

?He?s doing very well,? Ms Fennelly said, calling from the hospital in Boston.

Mr. Ming and his wife, Dr. Charlotte Ming, arrived at the hospital on Monday.

?Since yesterday, he has settled into his own room,? she said.

Mrs. Ming is staying at a nearby hotel, but ?she is here every day,? Ms Fennelly said.

When asked further about Mr. Ming?s progress she said that it was against confidentiality laws to divulge medical progress on patients at the hospital.

However, she did say that she would continue to inform about Mr. Ming?s wellbeing.

The hospital?s website said that ?Spaulding?s major rehabilitation programmes provide comprehensive medical management and interdisciplinary approaches to treatment, drawing upon the skills of physicians, nurses, therapists, psychologists, social workers and other caregivers.?