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The most important meal of the day

Cereal and milk were provided for students at Paget Primary on Tuesday morning, thanks to the members of the Continental Society. Students were also lectured on the importance of breakfast and given information sheets to read and take home for their parents and caregivers.

The one page leaflet warns them to not run to school "with an overstuffed book bag and an empty stomach".

"Breakfast is important," the leaflet continues, "Studies have shown that children who eat breakfast learn better and are more attentive. Children who have breakfast have overall higher test scores and are able to solve problems more easily. Kids who skip breakfast tend to be crankier, more irritable and have a hard time concentrating in class."

The leaflet also offers a number of quick healthy breakfast suggestions. Included are:

a cold slice of pizza and orange juice

super shake throw a handful of strawberries, a banana, a couple of ice cubes and a half a cup of milk or yogurt into the blender and blend until smooth.

waffles topped with sliced fruit, apple sauce, nuts, raisins, yogurt, chopped bacon or sausage.

in a real pinch, a Ziploc bag of dry cereal and a carton of juice while walking to school.