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New business seeks to entertain the over-50s

HOP Society founders: Naomi and Claudia Lambert (Photo by Glenn Tucker)

A business with fun for the over-50s at its heart is about to be launched by Naomi Lambert and her sister Claudia — the HOP Society is designed to provide social functions and other events for those people who were born before 1964.

‘HOP’ is an acronym whose letters stand for Hip Old Person. Ms Lambert said: “It offers an introduction to entertaining and socialising. We are targeting people who were born before 1964, and we are hosting events for that age group.”

She explained that many people who would have been employed and kept busy at their workplace, have been forced to take early retirement due to the economic downturn. “This is for people who are active and bored, and are looking for something to do,” she said.

“On March 27, we are hosting a party at the Ocean View Golf Club, with a deejay, hors d’oeuvres and prizes. It starts at 5.30pm, and runs to 8.30pm — it ends early so people don’t have to drive home in the dark.

Then, beginning on March 31, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, at Lodge Somers Isles at Hog Bay Level in Sandys Parish next to the MaxiMart, there will be a invited speaker who will talk about a topic of interest, then ticket holders will be served lunch, and following that, entertainment will be provided. Ms Lambert said live comedy or singing will be among the amusements offered. It will cost $40 for a ticket for the day.

“On Thursdays we will have a party or a different function in another location,” she said.

The sisters are both 60-plus, and Ms Lambert said they have different skills — “Claudia is good with people,” she said, while explaining her strength is in accounting and finance. “But we both like to have fun,” she said.

As one of the first events, Salon Pink will be represented to talk about male pattern baldness, as well as baldness from cancer treatment, and then there will be a comedian performing in the afternoon.

Plastic surgeon Dr Christopher Johnson will also be giving a presentation on being the best you can be once you’ve passed the 50-year mark. Another speaker will be from Marshall’s Maintenance, who will explain how to get rid of mildew.

“And on April 22 we are having an antique appraisal — people can bring their things and an appraiser will tell you how much they’re worth, like the Antique Roadshow,” she said.

Famous recording artist Joy T Barnum is slated to perform at one of the afternoon sessions.

“It’s for social people — people who are curious and who want to learn new things,” said Ms Lambert. “We’re also open to caregivers bringing people along.

“If anyone wants to present or perform, call us!” She said people should also call if they have suggestions.

Currently the HOP Society founders are working on their website, which should be up and running in the next few days, but in the meantime, interested people can get tickets from Naomi Lambert at V Boutique on the second floor of the Phase One building on the South Shore Road in Smith’s parish, next to the North Rock Brewery.

For more information and to book tickets, call 232-6324 or 504-9255.