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Bermuda clothing label builds on growth

Plans for 2016: Adam Petty and Sam Outerbridge are delighted with the success of their business, Coral Coast Clothing, during 2015

Big things are under way at Coral Coast Clothing as business partners Sam Outerbridge and Adam Petty seek to expand the company’s range of offerings and gain a foothold in overseas markets.

The luxury men’s apparel company has come a long way since it was set up less than two years ago.

Perhaps not surprisingly the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series event in Bermuda last year provided a sales surge for the brand. However, that was just part of the success Coral Coast Clothing enjoyed in 2015, and the future is looking even brighter. “We have a ton of exciting new developments in the pipeline for 2016,” said Mr Outerbridge, 27, creative director.

“Throughout the past year we slowly tested the market with new products and will be expanding our product offerings, to keep up with the demand.

“It has always been a goal to sell our label overseas from New York to Boston, London, and back to Palm Beach. Our plan is to specifically target resorts and boutique menswear stores.”

The two men have been friends since childhood. A few years ago that they discussed the idea of breaking away from their jobs in the reinsurance sector to run their own clothing label. That became a reality in 2014, and they haven’t looked back.

“The ride has been pretty similar to the best roller coaster you can imagine. For every lull there are huge peaks. You have to be ready for anything and really understand how to think on your feet; nothing will go the way you expect it to at first,” explained Mr Outerbridge, who said it was exhilarating not having a boss giving the orders.

“When you are doing something you love, you don’t need someone to tell you what to do.”

Coral Coast Clothing has claimed a niche for itself, producing quality casual shirts ranging from pastel shades to checked and striped designs. There is also a line of caps, and each item bears the logo of the company, a Bermuda blue angel fish.

Mr Petty, 29, said both he and Mr Outerbridge are “born and bred Bermudians who love everything about the island”.

He added: “We feel being Bermudian adds to the authenticity of our brand. We want nothing more than to do all we can to create positive news about our beautiful home.”

In the beginning the business was run from a home office before moving last year to an office and showroom in Bermudiana Arcade, on Queen Street. That space has since been sold and the company is searching for a new base. In the meantime the business is spreading its wings, and its apparel is now on sale at a number of outlets on the island.

Coral Coast Clothing can be bought at AS Cooper on Front Street, Mid Ocean Golf Club Pro Shop, Coral Beach and Tennis Club, Baubelles Boutique in St George, and also at the company’s online store.

Regarding the future direction for the company, Mr Outerbridge said: “We are also very excited to be ramping up development on new innovative technical fabrics. Being able to move and perform well without sacrificing style is important. It is going to be a really exciting year as we continue to grow the business and showcase Bermuda’s unique lifestyle.”

According to Mr Outerbridge and Mr Petty, highlights of the last 12 months have included doubling production capacity and receiving positive feedback from customers who took the opportunity to enjoy a personalised shopping experience at the office and showroom, choosing their fabrics and fit and learning about the brand first hand.

Regarding customers’ feedback, Mr Outerbridge said: “It has helped our brand to grow organically. Word of mouth marketing cannot be underestimated, and we can’t thank them enough.”

He added: “Another highlight would definitely be the moment you realise a real-time demand for a brand that was once just a dream in your head.”

The three-day Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series event brought a sales boost for the company last October. “More importantly, the exposure for our brand and Bermuda was unparalleled to anything we have seen before on the island. The quality of the event was terrific and it aligned well with our brands values,” said Mr Outerbridge.

As the company gears up for 2016, he and Mr Petty are relishing being the masters of their own destinies as much as ever.

“It naturally becomes a 24/7 thing. I don’t think either of us could tell you the last time our iPhones left our hands. It’s incredible,” said Mr Outerbridge.

He added: “We have met some very talented individuals and are excited to have them as part of our ‘team’ as we grow.

“The most important people throughout this whole process have been our family and friends. They have always unconditionally supported us in the pursuit of our dream and without them none of this would be possible.”

The Coral Coast Clothing website can be found at http://coralcoastclothing.com

Style and quality: Sam Outerbridge and Adam Petty, of Coral Coast Clothing, choosing fabrics in New York for their range of luxury men’s shirts
Hands-on approach: Adam Petty and Sam Outerbridge, of Coral Coast Clothing, checking fabrics in New York for their range of luxury men’s shirts