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Chef Garzia offers cook-and-eat classes

Learning from a master: Chef Jean-Claude Garzia, of the Beau Rivage restaurant, gives hotel guests Cindi Hildreth, centre, and Kim Foy a cookery lesson (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Chef Jean-Claude Garzia is sharing some of his tips and cooking magic with hotel guests and locals, who join him for a few hours in the kitchen and then taste the results at the chef’s table.

The monthly cooking class at Beau Rivage restaurant, part of the Newstead Belmont Hills resort in Paget, is proving popular. Mr Garzia said he is enjoying offering a hands-on experience to those interested in learning more about the culinary world.

He said that increasing numbers of guests at Newstead Belmont Hills, as well as locals, are asking about the cookery course — particularly during the winter months.

The four-hour experience culminates in an opportunity to sit at the chef’s table and enjoy the meal and some wine.

“It’s got to be fun, and it is helping to make the guests happy,” said Mr Garzia, who won the Best Chef of France title in 1996.

Hotel guest Cindi Hildreth, from Maryland, said: “I cannot say enough about it. There are tips he has taught us; we have learnt to make pasta. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime.”

Kim Foy, of New York, described it as a fantastic opportunity and she would try out some of the things she has learnt when she returned home. She said Mr Garzia was “great, entertaining and patient”.

The cooking course is for small groups of up to 12 people.

Mr Garzia has lived in Bermuda for almost 40 years and has worked previously as a sous chef at Hamilton Princess, and executive chef at Cambridge Beaches. He took over the lease of Beau Rivage a decade ago, and also opened JC’s Café in Hamilton last month.

The Beau Rivage restaurant can be contacted on 232-8686 or by e-mail at info@beaurivagebda.com

Learning from a master: Learning from a master: Chef Jean-Claude Garzia of Beau Rivage restaurant, listens to a question from hotel guest Cindi Hildreth, who along with Kim Foy took part in a cookery experience at the resort (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)
Learning from a master: Chef Jean-Claude Garzia of Beau Rivage restaurant demonstrates his cooking techniques to hotel guests Kim Foy, left, and Cindi Hildreth (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)