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Santa on Strike

Devin Moore (9). Photo by Tamell Simons.

t was a warm evening, Santa thought, sighing. Santa had just read the Bermudian kids' Christmas lists and they had asked for at least ten things each. He felt the kids were too spoiled and should not ask for so many things. Then Santa got a great idea. He could go on strike just to teach the kids a lesson. He would send a letter to each of the families in a tube telling them why they didn't get any presents.

This is where Holly comes in. Holly was an only child who had a good heart but was a bit spoiled. She received the letter from Santa when she got home that day from school.

This is what the letter read:

Holly felt like crying. She never knew she was spoiled. Holly got an idea that maybe if she did a lot of good deeds Santa would send her a present. She decided to start tomorrow. The next day she helped her teacher by sweeping the classroom but she felt it was not good enough. Little did she know that Santa decided that if any kid did at least five good deeds without being asked, he would change the tube into a Kaleidoscope on Christmas Day. It wouldn't be just any kaleidoscope.It would be a kaleidoscope that when you looked in it you would see the Crystal Caves, Nonsuch Island, Bermuda Beaches and many more special Bermuda sites!

Holly surprised her mum by washing the dishes and doing the laundry without being asked. Then one day after school she heard a voice screaming. She ran to where she heard the voice and saw a little boy crying over a dog that got hit by a car. She quickly ran the dog to the vet. The vet said Holly brought the dog in just in time or it could have died. Holly now felt she had done a very good job and a very good deed. It was the night before Christmas and Holly was counting on her fingers how many good deeds she had done one. . . ? two. . .? three. . .? four. . .? five. . .? six. . .? seven. . .? and eight! She had done eight good deeds. She could not believe it!

That night when she went to bed she felt very cheerful. Holly never knew you could feel so happy if you did good deeds.

Santa came that night and magically transformed the tube into a kaleidoscope. He knew Holly was one of the few children who did good deeds and he felt proud of her. In the morning Holly came downstairs expecting no presents but out of the corner of her eye she saw something with a letter taped on it. Holly picked it up. The letter read:

Holly looked through it and saw Crystal Caves. It was beautiful. It was so beautiful she could not describe it. Holly treasured Santa's gift so much she saved it for her grandchildren.