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Let it go: moving is a great time to declutter your life

Dear Heather,

I am moving. I start to pack a room and I've only just begun when I find things I forgot I owned and clearly have no need for. You would think that means I just throw them in the trash, right? Wrong. I have a terrible habit of associating memories and nostalgia with the cluttering objects in my home. Before I know it, I'm out of boxes because I can't let anything go!


Dear Moving,

As Elsa says, let it go!

If you don't love it enough to display it, you don't love it enough to move it. And when you are unpacked in the new house, you will feel like you are in a better mood and can focus better because of it. It turns out, science finds that decluttering can bring you the following benefits:

• You can concentrate better

Neuroscientists at Princeton University have shown that people working in an organised environment are able to be more productive and focused than someone working in a disorganised setting.

• You have better sleep

This goes along with the last point in the sense that cluttered rooms don't allow your brain to focus on one task at a time. When the only thing you are trying to accomplish is sleep, willing yourself to relax can be impossible in a messy room.

• You'll be happier

It turns out, clutter can make you a real Grumpy Gus. Clutter is basically the visual noise. When you keep walking past it at your home, your brain subconsciously receives the message that you don't have your life together.

• You can finally let go of the past

If you are like me and your useless items seem to hang around because of nostalgia, it's good to remember that sometimes, unless they are happy ones, memories are not all that beneficial.

• You'll amp up your productivity

When you are surrounded by half-completed projects all you have done is created an environment that constantly reminds you of your failures. Sure, maybe you have all those old jeans in the closet because you intend to lose weight, but right now they are just taking up space. You can buy new jeans, but you can't buy new sanity.

It's not always easy to donate or dispose of an item, but having a list of questions to ask yourself can help simplify the process:

1. When was the last time I used/needed this?

2. How many do I have versus how many do I need?

3. Am I only keeping this because it was expensive?

4. Do I care about it enough to clean it?

5. Does it serve any purpose aside from being decorative?

6. Do I want to pack and unpack this item when we move?

7. If this item was stolen and pawned, would you buy it back?

Your real estate agent will probably be able to recommend someone who can help you declutter, or can take over and sell the remaining items once you have decided what you want to take with you.

That will give you a little extra money to treat yourself to something special after you move.

Enjoy all your new space!

Heather Chilvers is among Coldwell Banker Bermuda Realty's leading sales representatives. She has been working in real estate for 27 years. If you have a question for Heather, please contact her at hchilvers@brcl.bm or 332-1793. All questions will be treated in confidence. Read this article on Facebook: Ask Heather Real Estate

• Photograph courtesy of https://www.transport-executive.co.uk/