New OBA senator calls for more unity
The Senate’s newest member used her maiden speech to question efforts to bridge the gap between “the two Bermudas”.
Robyn Swan told members of the Upper House that she was “greatly concerned about the lack of social and economic empowerment” promised before last year’s General Election.
Ms Swan, the One Bermuda Alliance replacement for Andrew Simons, said: “Our schools and many government facilities are still riddled with mould.”
She added: “I acknowledge the efforts of our current government, but many of our people are still without employment.
“The cost of living in Bermuda is catastrophic, yet our current government has introduced two new taxes.
“Where do our seniors fit into this picture? Laws, policies and procedures for mental health are still left behind.”
Ms Swan said that it was her “honest opinion” that there are more than two Bermudas.
She explained: “I do understand in order to resolve an issue, one must quantify its existence — only then can a resolution be met with success.
Ms Swan added: “If the notion of two Bermudas is alive and well, then surely a vision uniting them must exist.
She questioned whether there was a vision.
Ms Swan said that both parties had to put differences aside and “forge a future together”.
She added she was committed to upholding the ideals of the Constitution.
Ms Swan said she would challenge injustices and any legislation “that might hinder the rights of my fellow Bermudians”.
She also thanked Jeanne Atherden, the Leader of the Opposition, for her appointment and her fellow senators for welcoming her with “warmth and kindness”.
Ms Swan was announced as Mr Simons’s replacement earlier this month.