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North Shore restaurant in line for TV boost

Family business: Jennifer Seymour and John Seymour at Flame restaurant on North Shore Road, Devonshire (Photograph by Rockel Mundy)

A homely Devonshire restaurant is set to be recognised by the Travel Channel for its tasty cassava pie.

Flame, a family-owned business located on North Shore Road, Devonshire, was launched by owners Jennifer and Greg Seymour.

The family opened part of their home to create a takeaway and restaurant for guests to enjoy traditional food and a magnificent view of the shoreline.

They serve authentic Bermudian cuisine, including local fish, macaroni and cheese, peas and rice, potato salad and more.

Earlier this year, the Travel Channel was impressed by Mrs Seymour’s cassava pie and decided to film her making it. The segment has not yet aired on the channel, to her knowledge.

Mrs Seymour said: “A man came by to taste my cassava pie and he said, ‘This is better than my mama’s cassava pie’, and from there they asked to film me making my pie.

“All the crew members from the Travel Channel came and all the cameras were in the yard.”

Mrs Seymour admitted that although things look good now, there were humble beginnings, and expressed how hard it has been for the family.

She describes a time when she was living with her family at her mother-in-law’s house.

“My mother-in-law had a beautiful house, but a house is not big enough for two queens,” she added. “She was beautiful and kind to me but one always likes their own.”

Mrs Seymour made it her mission to find the perfect home.

“I started looking all in one night,” she said. “I came across a man who owned two homes on the water and asked him if he was selling one of his homes, he said ‘no’ and told me that I will never get a home on the water because they’re too expensive and gave me history of why. “I came home and said no one’s going to tell me what I can and cannot have. I then found my current property, which a lady named Georgette Robson and her husband Ray owned.

“I remember writing an amount down I wanted to pay for a house on a cheque a year prior to meeting Mrs Robson. When she decided to sell the house to me, she said the exact same amount which I wrote down!” she added.

Mrs Seymour believes that it was ordained by God.

She said: “I had a desire to start a restaurant like this, because no one can paint a picture like this but God. I wish that more Bermudians would take the opportunity to come, sit down and relax — they don’t take the time to appreciate their island.

“Tourists come too. I do get my locals that are very regular. Most new guests say, ‘I drive past here all the time’ and they say what an experience they had once they leave.”

Guests are also able to swim and relax after they eat, as the home has access to the water.

Mrs Seymour’s family is very involved in the business. She cooks, her husband cleans up and her son John Seymour, who also plays music for their local church, serves. Her other son, Jesse Seymour, is a well-known singer in Bermuda.

“I tell my children all the time: do what you like to do and capitalise on it,” she added.

Guests are captivated by the view of the North Shore, and, to add to their experience, she has bread available for anyone who wants to feed the fish.

She expressed gratitude for everything she has.

“I would like to thank God first, my husband Greg for making everything happen, my children, Jesse and John Ray and Georgette Robson, Warren Spole and Bishop Lamb senior.”

She also would like to thank all the businesses that came together for her, 21st Century Plumbing, BAC, A-Z, Sky Line, AirCare, NevCo, ClearWater Systems, Bermuda Brickyard and Treecon.

The restaurant opening hours are Monday to Wednesday, 10am to 7pm; Thursday 10am to 6:30pm; Friday and Saturday, 10am to 10pm; and closed on Sunday. For more information call 292-0348 or got to the Facebook page, @TheFlameBermuda

Great view: Flame restaurant (Photograph supplied)
Home cooked: Flame restaurant (Photograph supplied)
Hearty meal: Flame restaurant (Photograph supplied)
Ocean view: Flame restaurant (Photograph by Rockel Mundy)
Beautiful sky: sunset at Flame restaurant (Photograph supplied)
Options: the menu at Flame restaurant (Photograph supplied)
Family business: Jennifer Seymour and John Seymour at Flame restaurant on North Shore Road, Devonshire (Photograph by Rockel Mundy)