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You can’t outrun a bad diet

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Healthy advice: Cassandra Matcham

How does the working family eat healthy on the go?

The hardest part of a new healthy lifestyle isn’t a push-up or burpee. Training hard is the easy part. I promise you will get over the initial fear of a workout, slowly coming to crave that burn or soreness.

The toughest part? Sticking to a healthy diet.

Every client who walks into Alchemy asks, “How in the world do I eat healthy when I work crazy hours or have kids?” Diet seems to be the first element to go when we are trying to juggle a busy schedule. It is so much easier to run out of the office and pick up a greasy takeout. No matter how hard you try, you will never outrun a bad diet. So how do you meal prep for the week without going insane?

I always do a grocery shop on a Sunday. There is nothing better than starting your week off with a fridge full of fresh vegetables, organic meats and healthy grains.

I actually started buying local, organic produce from Hideaway Farm in St David’s. You really can tell the difference in eating local and organic, plus it gives me a chance to get creative in the kitchen with new vegetables.

The Farmers’ Market on Saturdays at the Botanical Gardens is another great way to get the freshest, locally grown produce. Spend a little time preparing meals the next day, and it really helps throughout the week.

I spend 20 minutes chopping veggies and fruits for either roasting or smoothies. I roast a ton of veggies for lunches for the first few days of the week and just add leftover protein when I can.

Plan your meals ahead. When you have an idea of what your three main meals of the day will look like, you won’t be left wondering what you are going to eat next.

Too rushed for breakfast? Overnight oats is your solution. Put a cup of oats in a container and cover it with your favourite milk; I use almond. Flavour that with cinnamon or flavoured protein powder and that’s it, your oats are ready to eat in the morning.

I also make chia seed pudding for snacks the exact same way. Chia seeds are an excellent source of fibre, omega 3 and protein.

Finally, don’t buy crap. This is easier said than done. When you have sugary treats in the kitchen guess what you are going to go straight for when you are stressed or in a pinch? If you crave sweets after dinner or when you snacking on the couch, I always have frozen mango or berries.

More of a savoury snacker? I am in love with Boom Chicka Pop sea salt popcorn, and it won’t undo all the hard work in the gym. You can buy it at Miles.

Planning will be key to keeping your diet balanced and you’ll soon start to see results. If you are stuck for ideas or need to create a plan for a healthier diet, contact cassie@alchemy.bm

Cassandra Matcham is a Yoga Alliance-certified yoga instructor, studio and group fitness manager at Alchemy Fitness. She specialises in accountability and goal-setting to help clients reach their full potential. Follow Alchemy Fitness on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlchemyFitnessBermuda or e-mail info@alchemy.bm

Plan your snacks: try making a pudding using chia seeds, which are an excellent source of fibre, omega 3 and protein