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All they want for Christmas

Dear Santa,This is a very special letter so we hope you will take time to read it carefully, as its wishes are important to so many. Unlike most letters you receive, this one isn't from children wanting toys, pets, video games and more. Rather, we are the men and women, Bermudian and non-Bermudian, of all races and creeds, and from all walks of life, who simply want to make lives and our world better.We are the children's and senior citizens' organisations, and the ones who work with the disadvantaged. We give support to the orphaned, comfort to the dying, and cheer to the lonely, and help to the physically and mentally abused and challenged. We also work with animals, giving them food, treatment, and new homes.

Dear Santa,

This is a very special letter so we hope you will take time to read it carefully, as its wishes are important to so many. Unlike most letters you receive, this one isn't from children wanting toys, pets, video games and more. Rather, we are the men and women, Bermudian and non-Bermudian, of all races and creeds, and from all walks of life, who simply want to make lives and our world better.

We are the children's and senior citizens' organisations, and the ones who work with the disadvantaged. We give support to the orphaned, comfort to the dying, and cheer to the lonely, and help to the physically and mentally abused and challenged. We also work with animals, giving them food, treatment, and new homes.

In short, we are the helping hands of Bermuda, and we love what we do throughout the year.

Despite willing hearts, however, our work is not always easy because our needs are greater than our resources. So, like everyone else when Christmas comes around, we hope that, with your help, the season of goodwill will touch all hearts and translate into generous assistance for those we serve.

If the list seems long it is because, in these increasingly expensive times, those requiring our assistance are growing in number, and we find we are struggling to meet their needs. If you cannot bring us everything we're wishing for, we understand, but we would be thrilled to receive something because every wish-come-true really does make a difference to the lives of those we touch throughout the year.

Thank you, dear Santa, and may you too receive the blessings of this Christmas season.

BERMUDA FELINE ASSISTANCE BUREAU Our wish is that everyone will help stop the cycle of unwanted animals by having their cat(s) neutered. If people will do that we won't have a job, which is exactly how we would like it.

BERMUDA NATIONAL TRUST As Bermuda's largest registered landowner we have a lot of things to take care of, so we're wishing for: a jeep, a chipper, a laptop for our Buildings supervisor, four office computers and four office work station desks; brick paving and security lighting for our headquarters car park at 'Waterville'. Our contact is Kathy Keane, ? 236-6483 ext. 210 or e-mail Kathy[AT]bnt.bm

BERMUDA RED CROSS Volunteers, drivers, licensed nurses, blood donors, the settlement of delinquent accounts, and donations sums up our wish list. Specifically, we need drivers from the Somerset/Southampton area to drive the elderly to medical appointments ¿ call 292-1276. Administrative volunteers and relief volunteers for the hospital equipment rental department — call 236-8253. Tag day and raffle ticket sales volunteers ¿ call 236-8253, Volunteers to become certified CPR?first aid class instrcutors. Licensed nurses, refreshment hostesses for the blood bank call 236-5067. Blood donors — call 236-5067. We are asking all people with delinquent bills for the rental of hospital equipment to please pay up during the first quarter of 2008, and for all unused equipment to be returned —call 236-8277. Finally, any and all financial donations for general expenses and the FW Clipper Building Fund are always a blessing and much appreciated — call 236-8253.

BERMUDA SENIOR ISLANDERS CENTRE We have just two wishes this year: a portable public address system to use at seniors' events islandwide, and a $1400 diesel fuel voucher to run our mini bus next year. To make Rev. Hassell's day, please e-mail seniorislanders[AT]ibl.bm or ( 295-9094.

BERMUDA SOCIETY FOR THE BLIND Our wish is for Christmas shoppers to buy the many fine items made by our craftsmen. Beacon House on Brunswick Street is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Of course, donations are always needed, and cheques made payable to the Society can be mailed to PO Box HM 2554, Hamilton HMKX.

BRANGMAN HOME Our young ladies, aged eight to 14, need pedal cycles. New would be lovely, but second-hand ones in good condition are fine too. They would also like a trampoline, and a punch bag and boxing gloves. For the home we would welcome warm quilts in a neutral colour for 11 twin beds, and pots for the kitchen. Supervisor Letia Outerbridge is the person to call for delivery instructions, call 92-3699; otherwise speak to any staff member on duty.

FRIENDS OF THE BERMUDA NATIONAL LIBRARY Our first wish is to have the two libraries under one roof, so we are wishing for a new home to house both the main and youth libraries. Our second wish is for the public to visit the libraries, see all the good things we offer, and use them more. Our contact is Ardleigh Young (e-mail friends[AT]transact.bm)

FRIENDS OF HOSPICE Our patients at Agape House are very special to us, so on their behalf we would welcome toiletries, such as soaps, body wash, wet wipes, and toothbrushes; loose-fitting socks and undervests (plain white, size L because they shrink in our washing machine), scented candles and boxes of cookies. Volunteer coordinator Karen Dyer is standing by at 232-0859.

HOSPITALS AUXILIARY OF BERMUDA We're wishing for donations of household goods, bric-a-brac, furniture, clothing, and especially books, to The Barn, in Devonshire — but not until the New Year. We are not taking donations until then. Drop-off times are 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Opening hours are 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the same days.

HOPE HOMES We need so much help with everything. First, our faithful, 17-year-old van is inoperative. Is there a mechanic who will advise us whether it beyond help or repairable? If not, a new one would be perfect as we have no transportation for our work and clients. We also need volunteers to paint and repair the place, and someone to donate materials and paint our roof, which really needs doing. Donations are always needed as funds are very limited. Our Mrs. Douglas is waiting for good news at 292-7206.

KEMH CONTINUING CARE UNITS We have a total of 102 patients in our three units — 48 males and 54 females — and are wishing for underwear for ten males and 19 females; undervests; body wash and lotion, large print reading books, socks and stockings. Looking forward to these gifts on behalf of her patients is Maxine Simmons, RN: e-mail Maxine.Simmons[AT]BermudaHospitals.bm or call 239-2055 ext. 2019.

LCCA This year we proudly celebrate 75 years of community service, so our wish is to continue being blessed with the support of friends, sponsors and volunteers so we may continue doing so in the future.

LEFROY HOUSE Our first wish is perhaps the saddest we could possibly make: For the families of our residents to please come and visit their loved ones over Christmas, and bring a little expression of appreciation. Our second wish is for a really large TV which everyone, including the sight-impaired, can enjoy. Our present TV does not fulfil that need. Activities co-ordinator Karen Fox would be overjoyed to get the good news at 234-0525 ext. 230.

MEALS ON WHEELS We are wishing for: a wooden computer desk (larger than 20 inches deep and not exceeding 64 inches long); large eight-cup plastic measuring cups; oven mitts/pot holders; industrial size stainless steel baking pans and perforated baking pans; metal baking pans 10 x 16 inches; leather brief cases; hot water bottles, dish towels and dish cloths. Tannika Rodrigues is the one to call at 236-1815 or e-mail mealsonwheels[AT]logic.bm

PACKWOOD HOME Our biggest wish is for a new bus with seats and wheel chair accommodation so our residents can be taken out again. We also need dining chairs. To brighten our lives please call Mrs. Carol Paynter at 234-1459.

PALS With expenses running at just under BD$1 million a year, we are eternally grateful to all those who support our work with cancer patients. Our wish is for our kind and generous community to continue supporting us in the year ahead because without their support there would be no PALS and no way we could continue giving our patients the care, support and love that they need. So, in wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas, and a healthy, happy 2008, we also extend our grateful thanks to everyone for so generously supporting us over many years.

PHYSICAL ABUSE CENTRE Our wish list is too long to include in full here, so we'll just say we need household goods, cleaning materials, kitchen utensils, office supplies, toiletries, and bath linens. For full details please call 292-4366 or e-mail physicalabuse[AT]ibl.bm

SPCA On behalf of our four-legged friends, we're wishing very hard for: pet crates; hard plastic dog toys; small, washable cat toys; non-scoopable (e.g. Cat's Pride) kitty litter; canned/dried dog and cat food; Bounty white paper towels; Yes/Tide laundry detergent; bleach, dishwashing soap, and towels.Our hard-working office staff are wishing for 35-cent postage stamps; cancelled stamps (we receive cash for them); a laminator, and white 8½ x 11 copy paper. To make our Christmas purr-fect please call 236-7333.

SALVATION ARMY Making any of these wishes come true would be a blessing: Pillows, blankets, sheets, bath linen, socks, disposable plates and cutlery, lounge and office furniture, toiletries, socks, a TV/VCR, filing cabinets, computers, and a mobile canteen vehicle. Lionel Cann has all the details, so do give him a call at 292-0601.

STAR/THE LIGHTHOUSE Our fingers are crossed for: a blender, an electric coffee maker, bath towels and wash cloths — either new or second-hand in excellent condition, and twin sheet sets. Ruth Skinner is the representative wish-maker to call at 292-5941.

SUNSHINE LEAGUE Our wish list is so extensive that it cannot be included in full. Our needs range from gift certificates for groceries, to student bus tickets, parking and gas vouchers; cleaning and office equipment, DVDs, washing machines/dryers, an LCD projector, kitchen equipment, fruit trees, and a subscription to The Royal Gazette. Denise Carey is more than happy to fill you in on the specifics so just call 292-4360.

WESTMEATH SENIORS RESIDENCE We are wishing for nice white towels and wash cloths and special wheelchairs, for which Libby Durrant has all the details. She is standing by at 295-6284.

WINDREACH RECREATIONAL VILLAGE We would love it if any of these wishes came true: Christmas wreaths and lights for 2008, a commercial barbecue, a lawnmower, table linen for our seniors' teas, lightweight banquet tables, stack chairs and dollies, and two commercial dust mops. Jeanie Flath would be delighted if youcall 238-2469, fax 238-2597 or e-mail programs[AT]windrech.org with the good news.

WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTRE A small/medium book case and an adjustable office chair top our wish list, and cash donations are always needed. Cheques made payble to the Centre and mailed Kathy Harriott at 58 Reid Street, HM12 will be very much appreciated.

Kathy is also the person (sitting in the broken office chair) to call at 295-3882 about the other items.