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Store closes as G-Wiz becomes online only

Strategy shift: Gateway Systems Limited will close its Queen Street store, G-Wiz, as of today

The G-Wiz technology store on Queen Street will be closed as from today.

However, Gateway Systems Limited will continue to offer products to the public online, and continue to service corporate clients with products and services from its Queen Street premises.

John Kyle, managing director, said the closing of the shop in Hamilton House, at 10 Queen Street, will not result in any job loses. He said it was the right time to close the store as its lease had come to an end.

Gateway Systems Limited was established in March 1990. Mr Kyle, said: “As we continue to expand our core ICT consulting and services business, particularly in the areas of privacy and cybersecurity, operating a retail storefront no longer fits with our strategy.

“Therefore, we will be closing the G-Wiz physical store, but the public will still be able to see products at our web-facing virtual store, at www.gwiz.bm.

“We will continue to service our corporate clients with products and services from our location at Queen Street and of course, honour any existing consumer warranties in place through our service department.”

He added: “We would sincerely like to thank all of our G-Wiz store customers and clients and have greatly appreciated their business over the years.”