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$1m raised in tough times to help others

Major Shawn Critch sits in deep thought in the pews of the Citadel on Angle Street in Pembroke. The Salvation Army recorded a 12 percent increase in the number of single parent applicants for their annual Christmas Hamper and Santa Anonymous Campaign this year.

Despite the economic climate and challenges due to the ongoing recession, the Salvation Army raised just over $1 million this year.The total to date is $100,000 short of the $1.1 million target set for March 2013.According to Divisional Commander Major Shawn Critch, the target for the 2012 Christmas Campaign was $500,000, or 45 percent of the Army’s annual fundraising appeal.There are two major fundraising drives each year, the Red Shield Appeal in May and the Christmas appeal.“The latest numbers available would indicate we are approximately $50,000 short of that financial target. About 16 percent of donors have responded with their generous support,” said Major Critch.“However, there is still a significant number of donors we have not heard from and I would be grateful to hear from them early in the New Year.“This year between April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013, we will allocate $1,088,000 in support of our fight against poverty, homelessness and addiction,” he said.“I am pleased that we have been able to keep our fundraising costs at five percent, so 95 cents of every dollar raised is allocated to our social programmes.”“Administrative costs represents another nine percent which means 86 cents of every dollar raised is used to offset direct programme costs.“This Christmas the Salvation Army recorded a 12 percent increase in the number of single parent applicants for the annual Christmas Hamper and Santa Anonymous Campaign.At the end of the day 3,300 individuals in 1,450 families received assistance this year, including 935 children aged 12 and under who received nearly 2,800 toys.“I would estimate the total value of assistance, including food and toys to be approximately $200,000,” said Major Critch.“While the overall number of individuals has remained relatively the same when compared to last year, we have noted a decrease in the number of dual parent families seeking assistance this year.“In 2011 there were 498 registered single parent applicants and in 2012 there were 604. Approximately 90 percent of our single parent applicants represent single mothers,” he said.Budget planning for the next fiscal year begins in January when board members will review the Army’s “fundraising plan and strategy”. The board will also determine the “discretionary funds available in order to plan the best way forward”.Said Major Critch: “Be assured we are committed to achieving our mission in such a way that realises programme viability and promotes financial sustainability.“The Salvation Army is extremely grateful for the generous support it receives during Christmas and throughout the year. I would like to express my appreciation to everyone who made a donation this past Christmas.”On that note he issued a reminder that “it’s still not too late to donate to the 2012 Christmas Appeal” to help reach the $500,000 goal.Major Critch concluded: “The face of human need in our community is changing and it is encouraging to see the community express its commitment to the community in times of need.“To create a community where everyone has access to life’s basic needs represents the strong commitment of The Salvation Army through its community-based programmes.”l People can make donations to the Salvation Army in a number of ways. By mail the address is: The Salvation Army, 2012 Christmas Appeal, PO Box HM2259, Hamilton HM JX.Donations can be made by bank transfer to HSBC 010-202539-001, use code RG-C12 and send an e-mail to Bermuda_Inquiries@can.salvationarmy.org with full name and address so that the Salvation Army can acknowledge each donation.If you would like to donate in person, visit the divisional office located at 76 Roberts Avenue, Devonshire, or call 292-0601 for details, or e-mail Bermuda_Inquiries@can.salvationarmy.org

Major Shawn Critch sits in deep thought in the pews of the Citadel on Angle Street in Pembroke. The Salvation Army recorded a 12 percent increase in the number of single parent applicants for their annual Christmas Hamper and Santa Anonymous Campaign this year.