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Police say Ruth Binns death may be 'domestic related'

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A 35-year-old Devonshire man has been arrested in connection with the murder of Ruth Binns whose body was found on Tuesday morning in Southampton in what Police believe could be a domestic incident.

Ms Binns, 26, also known as Ruth Dill, was discovered dead by her sister in her Camp Hill Road apartment - just three weeks before her family mourns the anniversary of the stabbing death of her brother.

The Royal Gazette understands that the suspect was the long-term boyfriend of the victim. One family member said: "As far as I know he didn't use to beat her but they had had times where they had scuffled." Another source claimed the couple regularly fought and argued.

A friend of Ms Binns described the relationship as "argumentative" but not abusive.

Police were called at 7.50 a.m. on Tuesday and a doctor arrived on the scene and certified the death at 9.05 a.m.

Superintendent Randy Liverpool told a press conference yesterday: "Within a couple of hours detectives located and arrested a 35-year-old male in Devonshire on suspicion of the murder of Miss Ruth Binns. He is still in custody assisting Police with their inquiries."

Police refused to speculate on the cause of death ahead of a post mortem later this week by a forensic pathologist.

Supt. Liverpool said: "There is some evidence it may be domestic related."

More than a dozen officers are working on the case. Supt. Liverpool said the family, some of whom lived very close to the death scene, were cooperating fully with the investigation.

The death is a double blow to relatives of the victim. Last October, Edward Dill — Miss Binns' half-brother - was found stabbed to death. Andrina Tamara Smith, 26, of Cedar Park Road, Devonshire, has been charged with his murder and is due to appear at the next Supreme Court arraignments session on Monday.

Miss Binns, a former student of Bermuda Institute in Southampton, was described last night as fun-loving, kind and generous by friends and family.

Women's Resource Centre chairperson Patricia Viera said: "We're very saddened to learn that yet another young person has lost their life due to violence in Bermuda.

"We aren't yet aware of the circumstances surrounding the latest incident; however, we are hoping that this will be a wake up call to the community that we cannot allow the violence and loss of life to continue.

"We must all take action to prevent violence. This includes working with the Police in their investigations, working with our young people to show them alternatives to violent behaviour, and seeking assistance if you are the perpetrator or the victim of violence."

Ms Viera reminded the public that the Women's Resource Centre is there to support, counsel and assist women in situations of actual or potential violence."

She added: "We would like to extend our sincere sympathies to the family, friends and co-workers of Ms Binns."

Police are appealing for witnesses to call them on 299 4315 or the confidential crimestoppers hotline on 1 800 623 8477.