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Some do’s and don’ts for drivers

Dear Sir,

No doubt you will get a plethora of e-mails, letters and phone calls about what needs to be done to improve the standard of driving in Bermuda.

You have listed all the obvious ones, of which I do not disagree with any.

However, I would like to add a few of my own; maybe you could compile these into the dos and don’ts list for your readers:

• Correct use of indicators — indicate then brake

• Turning lights on when it is dark — could also be during the day, eg, dawn and dusk. This is the norm in Scandinavian countries; their lights come on automatically and road deaths per capita are substantially lower than in Bermuda

• When an emergency vehicle is approaching on the opposite side, you do not need to stop. This can cause delays for the emergency vehicle, as it may not be able to get past. If it is not on your side of the road, drive as normal

• Ensure children are strapped in at all times, whether it be a car seat or a seatbelt. I often see children bouncing around the back of cars, but the driver/parent/guardian is wearing a seatbelt.

• Roundabouts/traffic lights at known dangerous junctions, eg, Tee Street and Middle Road. What will it take before this happens? A death?

The key thing here is education. Unless we start teaching drivers from an early age, bad habits will creep in and most likely be with that driver for ever.

