Watch out for a blue moon tonight
Three lunar events combine today in a rarity known as a Super Blue Blood Moon.
For this part of the world, it will be the first since 1866.
The celestial show will be commemorated this evening by Friends of Hospice, with the charity’s second Memorial Moon Walk.
The supermoon, the second this month since January 1, happens when the moon’s elliptical orbit draws it closer and makes it appear larger and brighter.
The blue moon marks the rare occurrence of two full moons within the same calendar month, while the blood moon refers to the Earth’s shadow casting a reddish glow during a lunar eclipse.
Bermuda skirts the eastern edge of the eclipse’s visibility as the moon sets this morning, so the display will be difficult for locals to spot.
Keen-eyed early risers could be treated to a faint glimpse of the shadow tinging the moon just before it sets at 7.14am.
But an impressive moonrise lies ahead for 6.14pm — weather permitting.
Walkers supporting the island’s only care home for the terminally ill will be treated to the sight along Horseshoe Bay Beach.
Participants should arrive at Chaplin Bay Beach at 6pm for a 6.30pm start.
The cost is $5 per walker with cash raised going to support Agape House.
The Bermuda Weather Service said the passage of a cold front late yesterday brought cloudy skies and winds with a possibility of clearer skies later today.