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Outlet for Bermudian-made products

Jan Quinn: co-owner of Hand Made Bermuda

Supporting small Bermudian businesses has been the goal for two local women since starting their own boutique.

Owners Jan Quinn and Andrea Moniz launched Hand Made Bermuda, which operates within the Clock Tower Mall, Dockyard, four years ago.

“We started small by selling items we make ourselves — I make jewellery and Andrea makes bath products such as soaps and scrubs,” Ms Quinn said.

“We were tired of being subjected to wind and rain so the idea of looking for a permanent space came about.”

Both ladies had full-time jobs before they started their business, but when Ms Moniz’s position at her company became redundant and Ms Quinn got tired of working behind a desk in an insurance company, the pair knew it was time to branch off on their own.

“Some people aren’t cut out to work in an office,” Ms Quinn said. “I felt like it was sucking my soul out of me. Like I just couldn’t go on and I would’ve ended up severely ill. I am much happier now.”

When the boutique first opened, it sold 12 products from local artists. Now it has more than 80.

Ms Quinn said many local people came to the boutique to buy beads and added: “We have the biggest selection of beads on island.”

Other items, all from Bermudian artists, which the boutique sells include pink sand jewellery, Bermuda art, aprons, tiles, painted glass, books for adults and children, candles, toys, sea glass jewellery, natural soaps, rum cake, Bermuda fudge, cedar gifts and compact discs from local musicians.

“Everything in here supports the Bermuda economy,” she said.

The winter months are slow for the business as most of their clientele are cruise ship passengers.

“A lot of our business comes from cruise ships, a lot of locals do not want to travel to Dockyard because of the distance, but it’s a nice day out,” Ms Quinn said.

“Dockyard is so much nicer now since the America’s Cup has brought so many improvements.”

She encouraged more locals to take the trip to see the new advancements in Dockyard such as the reopened Bermuda Transport Museum.

“You can come have lunch, watch a movie, visit the museums — it’s worth the journey,” she added.

Workshops are being offered for the winter months, where Hand Made Bermuda teaches individuals how to make their own jewellery.

For more information on the workshops and the boutique, call 232-0862 or e-mail handmadebermuda@icloud.com, or visit the Hand Made Bermuda Facebook page

Featured products: items sold at Hand Made Bermuda
Featured products: items sold at Hand Made Bermuda
Featured products: items sold at Hand Made Bermuda
Featured products: items sold at Hand Made Bermuda
Featured products: items sold at Hand Made Bermuda
Featured products: items sold at Hand Made Bermuda