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Food for thought . . . staying healthy is as simple as ABC!

ABC Natural Foods is a bit off the beaten path of central Hamilton yet its presence has long been felt ? for more than 40 years, the health food store has inspired countless residents to follow better dietary habits.

The King Street store is run by the Seventh Day Adventist Church and as such, follows its credo. Aside from a broad selection of Christian and dietary books, it is stacked with a wide range of items beneficial to one's health, including canned and frozen foods, drinks, snacks, grains and vitamins.

"We're going back 100, probably close to 150 years that the Seventh Day Adventist Church has been (following) the health food diet," explained the store's manager, Ronald Smith.

"It's really, truly supposed to be strictly fruits, nuts and grains. The philosophy goes back to the original diet prescribed in the Bible. Spiritual health, mental health, physical health ? they're all tied together and so the food you eat will also determine whether or not you're physically or mentally healthy.

"Sugar, for example, has a way of making the system sluggish, meat will stay in your system for a long time before it's digested. Natural plant-substituted foods won't have that kind of effect.

"As much as possible, we try and get (our range of seeds) without them being chemically treated. I won't say they're all organic, because they're not, but they really are not treated or processed. Our line comes from farmers that are Adventists and believe in the same health (practices) that we do."

Though initially established to meet the needs of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and its congregation, ABC Natural Foods also caters to the requirements of the general public.

According to Mr. Smith: "The store started well over 40 years ago ? originally it was underneath the Salvation Army (church next door) ? and it has grown to this space that we have currently. I would say that probably close to 65, maybe even 70 per cent of our business, comes from non-church members.

"What we do (at ABC Natural Foods) is to try to get people used to following a healthier diet. The health message (followed by) the Seventh Day Adventist church is the result of a vision somebody had which told them what kind of foods we should be eating ? there is a whole history behind it.

"Because the Bible says that you can eat 'clean' meats, some Adventists do. All Adventists are not vegetarians. So, while we recommend that people (eat) fruits, nuts and grains, we realise that in the real world, only a few people will do that.

"And because we recognise that people have difficulty in making that transition (at ABC Natural Foods) we have a wide selection of also have what we call analogue meats, meats which taste very much like the real thing, but aren't."

To appreciate the range of goods available at ABC Natural Foods, a trip to the store is necessary. Fashioned into a relatively limited interior are canned goods, natural sweeteners and spices and dairy-free ice cream. Also on offer, breakfast sausages, hamburgers, chicken nuggets and hot dogs and a range of deli meats.

"Just about anything you can think of in meat, we sell as a meat substitute," Mr. Smith said. "And, just about anything you can think of, if it's healthy, we sell it ? some of our products are soy based. We have some that are mushroom based.

"Most don't have dairy products in them. We have vegan products as well, which have no dairy products, no eggs in there. We also have vegetarian items. By and large (the common factor is) our products don't contain meat.

"We even have a product, Wham, which is like ham except it's vegetarian and it's soy-based. We also sell mayonnaise and vegetarian soy-based dressings. Our mayonnaise is probably the best on the market. There are no eggs, no dairy products in it, and it tastes very much like (popular brand names) Hellman's or Kraft."

A range of snacks sold at the health food store had proved very popular with clients, he added.

"Almonds, we cannot keep them in stock. They go so very, very quickly (as do) our peanut clusters, made with carob instead of chocolate because chocolate has a higher degree of caffeine in it.

"Carob does have some caffeine in it but it doesn't have as much ? it doesn't excite you or give you a high or anything like that. We also have a selection of dried fruits, a variety of peanuts ? all very healthy snacks."

Widely sought after are the store's natural fruit juices, sodas and a brand of water, sold there exclusively.

"Penta water is the best you can get on the market right now as far as hydration quality. (Actor) Denzel Washington, when he travels, takes seven cases of it with him. And if he doesn't have it, he has it flown wherever he is.

"It's truly something. If you wanted to test against other waters, put it on your skin. You'll notice it will (actually be absorbed) into your skin whereas other waters will bubble. The others may go in eventually, but this will go in faster. If you were dehydrated, instead of having to drink two big litre bottles, you could probably get away with two (half-litre) bottles and get the same hydration effect. It's especially good for older people who don't drink a lot of water, because they get the hydration that they need a lot sooner.

"We also sell Switch, a brand of soda made from 100 per cent juice. There's no sugar in them. We want to try and get them into the public schools. Our young people, if they're drinking soda, you can tell the difference between lunchtime and the afternoon ? they're so much more hyper.

"They can drink Switch all day and it won't affect them. In fact, drinking a bottle is almost the equivalent of having two servings of fruit. And it's very tasty."

Smith admitted some of his products are priced higher than their supermarket store equivalents, but he believed buyers would agree the health benefits were well worth it.

"As I mentioned before, the better diet is one without meat and the best diet is the original one ? fruits, nuts and grains," he said. "You won't gain weight on that kind of a diet. You'll have fewer health problems.

"You'll save on medical bills. Your insurance company will love you. Mind you, I tell everybody, don't eat these things because you think you won't get sick. I don't care what you eat, you're gonna get sick today ? it's the atmosphere, the water, the air ? but, you can have a better quality of life.

"You won't have some of the ailments other people suffer from. For example, for people who are completely hydrated, arthritis is not usually a problem. Even diseases like Alzheimer's, if you just keep your brain saturated with water like you're supposed to, you won't have those problems as bad as somebody who doesn't.

"But there are no cures. You'll never see the exotic stuff here. We don't go after the fad and that way we're able to stay consistent with what we sell."

ABC Natural Foods is located at 41 King Street, Hamilton. For more information, telephone 292-4111.