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Pop-up facility planned for Clearwater Beach

Beach Boys directors, from left, are: Dennie O’Connor, operations services; Belcario Thomas, business development; and Raymond Walker, controller

A new pop-up beach experience will be on offer for locals and visitors at the East End next year during the summer months.

The services at Clearwater Beach will be called the Bermuda Triangle Beach experience, and is designed to bring more visitors to the east side of the island.

Activities on offer will include snorkelling, volleyball and walking and bus tours. There will be bathroom facilities and a gift shop.

The venture comes after more than a year of market research. Four entities have collaborated to make it possible.

Belcario Thomas, business development officer of Beach Boys Ltd, said: “Bermuda Land Development Company is one of our partners who have invested into the facility.

“There are now disabled washrooms, full showers, foot showers, tiled washrooms, and world-class modern facilities with lockers.

“The second thing that was provided by that research was transportation, and goods and services that help enhance the experience for the area.

“The Bermuda Tourism Authority has also provided marketing research, not just for guests, but for residents first.”

He said the third group providing support is the Bermuda Economic Development Corporation, which has provided support through a micro-loan facility and providing courses and workshops.

“Lastly, The Beach Boys, which is a destination management organisation that currently operates Tobacco Bay.”

Mr Thomas stressed that the new facilities at Clearwater Beach is entirely separate from Tobacco Bay.

The Bermuda Triangle Beach experience will operate from April to November next year.

Besides providing bathroom facilities, which will be maintained on a daily bases, it will also include a gift shop that will sell souvenirs. There will be transport between King’s Square to Clearwater Beach. Beyond the beach activities there will be walking and bus tours to highlight the wildlife and experience the beauty of the East End.

The Bermuda Triangle Experience is only a seasonal pop-up. It will collaborate with other businesses around the East End including Gombeys Restaurant and Bar.

Mr Thomas said there will be no competition with the Gombeys Bar as no on-site food or alcohol will be served.

“We are creating a destination within the East End destination, we are also going to put the St George’s flag at Clearwater Beach,” he said.

Mr Thomas believes the venture will benefit everyone involved and create more jobs for locals.

“We are now hiring beach ambassadors. We will start the on-boarding process right away, which will include training programmes that speak to standards and controls, and services. We are compiling our team now and starting the hiring process.”

For more information contact info@tobaccobay.bm or 737-2355.

New activities: the pop-up facility at Clearwater Beach will be seasonal (Photograph by Peter Matcham)
Above the waves: Belcario Thomas, business development officer with Beach Boys Ltd, enjoys some fun water activities
Place to enjoy: the view from Clearwater Beach where a seasonal pop-up facility is planned for the summer months next year (Photograph by Peter Matcham)