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Sentencing adjourned for man who attacked owner of Champions club

A Pembroke man who attacked a nightclub owner in the face with a helmet had his sentencing adjourned again yesterday.

Colford Lloyd Ferguson, 22, of Cedar Avenue, has admitted causing grievous bodily harm to Champions Sports Club owner Delvin Bean in February this year.

Supreme Court heard how Mr. Bean was about to lock up his club at about 4.45 a.m. when he heard a dispute was taking place outside the premises on Reid Street between a female employee and a man.

However, when Mr. Bean reached the front entrance he saw the dispute was broken up and everything appeared to be under control, so he locked up and began walking to his car.

Prosecutor Graveney Bannister said: “As the complainant reached Joell's Alley and attempted to cross the street, he felt a sharp blow to the right side of his face. After being struck the complainant immediately turned around and saw the defendant standing about five to ten feet away from him and holding a dark-coloured helmet in his hand.”

Ferguson is then claimed to have said that he was unable to get the club owner's staff, but that he had got him instead.

Mr. Bean initially started to go home, but then began to feel drowsy and had numbness in his face. His nose began to bleed and he started to cough up blood.

The club owner was then taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, where he underwent surgery to facial injuries.

Ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Bruce Lattyak said the numbness experienced by Mr. Bean in his face may or may not be resolved within several months, or not at all.

Mr. Bannister told the court that Ferguson was later arrested and admitted being involved in an altercation with a man inside the club, but said he had walked away.

He said two men later approached him and threatened to hit him with a baseball bat. He said he walked away, but was grabbed from behind in a choke hold and thrown to the ground and punched in the face.

Ferguson then said he swung his helmet and hit the person in his face. However, he said he was unable to give names of the two people he had been fighting with.

Ferguson pleaded guilty to wounding Mr. Bean, causing grievous bodily harm. The case has been adjourned for pre-sentencing reports to be carried out and he will be brought back to court for the November 3 arraignment session.

He has no previous convictions.

Grahame remanded in custody

A man who drenched part of his apartment in gasoline because he was facing eviction was remanded in custody until October since his trial must be heard in Supreme Court.

The court heard that Caesar Grahame, 30, was arrested on September 15 after he refused to come out of the Bermuda Housing Corporation (BHC) apartment where he lived and was facing eviction.

Grahame was charged with unlawfully damaging the Government-owned apartment on North Shore Road in Devonshire after he drenched towels in gasoline, had a bowl filled with gasoline, handled candles and a lighter in the apartment. Grahame was also charged for unlawfully entering the same apartment on September 16 after he was released on bail due to a Police mix-up with his files.

Defence lawyer Larry Scott explained that the man was an upstanding citizen who and would not go back to the apartment if bail was set because his belongings were no longer at the residence and had been boxed.

Grahame did not enter a plea as the charges are indictable and will be tried before the Supreme Court.

Due to the fact that Grahame did not have a place to live Acting Senior Magistrate Carlisle Greaves remanded him in custody until October.