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Bermuda Year End: Burch gets tough at BHC

Housing was one of the hottest topics of 2003 as Bermudians grappled with high rents and average house prices hitting $1 million.

The year began with Senator David Burch in charge of the housing ministry and taking a hard-line with non-paying tenants and cheating contractors.

In February he said he would evict Tina Simons and her pregnant teenage daughter from their Bermuda Housing Corporation apartment in Angle Street after she racked up $11,000 arrears in just over two years.

Housing Minister Sen. David Burch also threatened to "name and shame" contractors who are alleged to have defrauded the Bermuda Housing Corporation with inflated bills.

But it was BHC's own management which came under the microscope when Auditor General Larry Dennis catalogued alleged corruption, possible kickbacks, gross negligence and out of control management which had cost the tax payer hundreds of thousands of dollars at Bermuda Housing Corporation in a report leaked in July.

Contractors got away with double billing and inflating quotes while unsecured loans were given without ministerial approval wrote Mr. Dennis.

The report told of how BHC bought a property from Transport Minister Dr. Ewart Brown without first getting the cost independently appraised and without the Government MP declaring his interests.

The Opposition pressed for Government to come clean over the allegations of corruption at BHC but Government said it was a matter for the Police Service ? which is investigating the case.

And a former Bermuda Housing Corporation worker Dana Edward Martin pleaded guilty in Supreme Court to defrauding investors of more than $150,000.

Former Bermuda Housing Corporation (BHC) general manager Ed Cowen claimed he was put under heavy pressure to retire after the Progressive Labour Party (PLP) won power, and claimed the scandal-ridden organisation was in good shape before he left.

Mr. Cowen stepped down in 1999 and was replaced by Raymonde Dill who was later sacked. In May data compiled by two separate estate agents said the average price of a house in Bermuda had risen to nearly $1 million with prices rising by ten percent in just six months.

Residents of Cedar Park, Mary Victoria and Alexandra Roads in Devonshire claimed that the BHC was failing to act to correct the poor conditions of two units it manages.

That same area was up in arms in November when Government vowed to put in 34 more units as it unrolled a plan to build more than 200 units over the next four years.

New Housing Minister Terry Lister also announced plans to make the polluted former base Morgan's Point Bermuda's fourth main residential hub but cabinet colleague Renee Webb launched a rearguard action to save the 250 acre site for tourism.

In December Salvation Army workers went public over crumbling buildings and rampant drug dealing at the shelter at Marsh Lane while other families were found to be living in cars.

Government promised replacement shelters would be built by the Opposition said too little had been done.