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Letters to the Editor: Where was this woman shopping?

Yesterday I received from England a cutting from the Daily Mail (I have enclosed the original but for your readers benefit, I repeat it below:)When friends offered us their apartment in Bermuda for two weeks, we were delighted. The airfare was expensive, but we thought we'd save once we were there. The apartment was great but we got a shock at the supermarket ? $12 US (6.60) for a tired iceberg lettuce and $10 (5.50) for a carton of orange juice. Even with the exchange rate in our favour, the cost of living is very high. Restaurant prices were on a par and consequently we ate out only three times. Bermuda is beautiful and the people are friendly but we were told that it does not want to attract package tourists. We loved it, but sadly can't afford to return.

June 28, 2005

Dear Sir,

Yesterday I received from England a cutting from the Daily Mail (I have enclosed the original but for your readers benefit, I repeat it below:)


When friends offered us their apartment in Bermuda for two weeks, we were delighted. The airfare was expensive, but we thought we'd save once we were there. The apartment was great but we got a shock at the supermarket ? $12 US (6.60) for a tired iceberg lettuce and $10 (5.50) for a carton of orange juice. Even with the exchange rate in our favour, the cost of living is very high. Restaurant prices were on a par and consequently we ate out only three times. Bermuda is beautiful and the people are friendly but we were told that it does not want to attract package tourists. We loved it, but sadly can't afford to return.

Anne Evans, by e-mail

I was furious when I read this and immediately fired off comments to the Daily Mail. WHERE was this woman shopping? In the new edition of New Resident Magazine 2006 the price shown for a lettuce is $3.49 and for a carton of orange juice $3.39 and they say these prices are "as at April 2005".

If this was true it would be cheaper if we all ate out and had "the full works salad" which would be far less than $12. Bermuda does not need publicity like this.