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Liz and Alan seize the Mayne chance to offer customers a new deal online

A LOCAL company is helping consumers save big bucks on household furnishings, electronics, tools and other items.BigSavingsZone.com was launched less than a month ago. It allows goods to be bought directly from manufacturers, distributors and authorised suppliers, enabling clients to enjoy significant savings on purchases.

The venture is the brainchild of Liz and Alan Mayne.

The pair established a web site four years ago, offering a range of home furnishings and related items from overseas which they then imported to the island.

The Maynes' latest venture takes that offering one step further, allowing clients to sign on as members and save money on their purchases.

"My husband's family has always been in the furniture business," Mrs. Mayne explained. "We started our own business about four years ago, in October of 2002, and it took off — unexpectedly — to great heights to the point where my home was like a warehouse.

"Everybody's order was lined up. It was like a battleground with furniture in our living room, on our porch — everywhere."

The Maynes moved into their current premises, a warehouse in St. David's, three years ago.

"Last October we opened a shop, Sleepzone, which purely offered mattresses and box springs," she added. "Approximately three weeks ago, we launched a direct-buy programme.

"Through it, we run a membership which allows everything to be bought direct from the factory at factory prices. You pay the duty and you pay Bermuda Forwarders (for the shipping). It's just as if you'd gone to a shop overseas and had them delivered.

"Instead of people going away and shopping — you have to factor in airfare, the cost of a hotel room, the cost of a rental car and retail prices, we now do all of that for you — you sit at home, shop on your computer and put your order through.

"We do all the legwork. You don't have to do anything."

Although initial response was slow, residents have since warmed to the concept and are thrilled at the prospect of saving cash.

"People were cautious in the first instance," Mrs. Mayne admitted. "It's new. It's a first for Bermuda. But the response since has been phenomenal. People are really supporting us."

To date, 120 people have signed on. According to Mrs. Mayne, the process is a simple one and the benefits far outweigh the cost of membership.

"We ask people to make an appointment or come down and talk with us, come and view what we have on offer in our showroom," she said.

"We explain the process to them in full, otherwise they won't understand the cost attached.

"One of our sales associates will sit down and explain what's involved and what (membership) entitles you to. It needs to be explained properly to grasp the concept and how it works.

"The membership programme entitles the client to factory direct prices. It's of benefit to anybody. In a lot of instances, especially with big ticket items, the membership fee is inconsequential.

"It's wiped out with the savings you make. Today, maybe they just want a dining set, but look at the big picture — what if their television suddenly blows up? You can buy another and pay full retail or you can bring it in yourself at almost half of what you would pay for retail."

Those unwilling to join as members can still have goods imported by the company.

"People do say they don't want to become members because they only want one thing — that's fine. We can do what you want, but you will pay retail prices."

She added that customers have the benefit of a unique showcase installed as a three-bedroom apartment next to the store. The display includes a master bedroom, a kids' room, a theatre room, a kitchen and dining area and a living room.

"We've completely changed from how we were when we first opened. We now have a lovely showroom, a three-bedroom apartment on one side of us, so customers can get a view of how items might look in their home. When people see the apartment they are blown away," she said.

"There's nothing like it in Bermuda and it gives a visual of how furnishings might look in your own home."

It was especially helpful in that it eliminated the need for guess work, she added.

"People tend not to be able to judge sometimes."THE<$> company has built a strong relationship with a group of suppliers in Canada. As such, customers are restricted to goods offered on BigSavingsZone.com, unable to select items from the store of their choice. As explained by Mrs. Mayne: "Otherwise, we become somebody's private shopper and that's it."

Each item bought comes under warranty and additional insurance may be purchased as well. According to Mrs. Mayne, such packages can include anything from stains to cases of accidental damage — where a person knocks over a television and it breaks in splinters, where a person with a screwdriver in their pocket sits and gauges a leather sofa.

"We're not just addressing the general public but also contractors, hotels and guest houses," she explained. "Hotels constantly need to change their mattresses and lamps. Contractors have similar needs. We welcome any of them to give us a chance to provide a quote on things they need and prove how much better a deal we can offer you."

BigSavingsZone.com is located at 16 Wallers Point Road, St. Davids. For more details, visit the web site or telephone 297-4440.