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Grandfather would have been very grateful

The Salvation Army band

Dear Sir,

Thank you for acknowledging the equality of the benevolence of my grandfather, Albert E. Nicholl.

May I convey how touched I was to read the inclusion of the help he bestowed for all youth in Bermuda and in founding the Sea Cadets, and his lifetime of supporting the Salvation Army in Bermuda as well as the well-known Bermuda Technical Institute.

My grandfather believed that education was the key to life. I am a Bermudian and I am very familiar with many aspects of my grandfather’s life. He worked three different jobs during the day and evening every day until he was 50 years old, and he grew up with very little at a time when his father worked on the docks in Cardiff, Wales.

Thank you to the writer of the article (Khalid Wasi). It may be of interest to note that my grandmother had an Aunt Matilda, who married John Darrell in approximately 1858. My grandmother was Norah Shelley of St George’s.

My grandfather worked from the time he was a young boy.


Tamarac, Florida