School celebrates with ‘Big Time Banquet’
CedarBridge Academy is to host a “Big Time Banquet” at the Hamilton Princess & Beach Club this month in anticipation of its 20th anniversary in November.
All students and teachers, past and present, are invited to come together and celebrate “20 years on the hill”.
The banquet will be hosted by Gina Davis and Jonathon Simons, an S4 pupil, and entertainment will be provided by former CedarBridge pupils, including a poem by Noire Theatre Company, performances by the Simons Brothers and Bodhi Company, as well as performances by present pupils.
School principal Kalmar Richards, Devina Butterfield, Victoria Outerbridge, Robert Steede, Karen Simons, Phyllis Harshaw, Colette Codrington-Ford and Alfrieda Dill will be honoured for 20 years of service.
A school spokeswoman said: “In its 20th year we celebrate CedarBridge Academy, a school that adopted its name, style of uniform, school colours, the school song and so much more from the input of the students known as the CBA Student Government Association Executive.
“When it opened, principal Ernest Payette had already led a major high school in Canada, and two years later rallied and supported the appointment of its current leader, principal Kalmar Richards, who has led the team for 18 years.
“In its existence, CedarBridge has produced doctors, actuaries, accountants, business owners, musicians, actresses, teachers, plumbers, international fighters, painters, nurses, mechanics you name it. Students have been recognised as having the highest GPAs in their university. One student was accepted into various universities unknown to her, all due to her writing skills after she won a competition.
“Students have thrived at CedarBridge Academy, former students have returned to inspire those coming up in assembly in the 100 Men and Women on Campus workshops and in classrooms. Students of CedarBridge Academy who have walked these halls prove that what you tell students, they become — excellent.
“Before CedarBridge Academy was named, it was referred to by the public as the mega school, with all the connotations that something huge and unknown would bring. It was feared, it was politicised and it was not expected to be a success. Yet through the years, that mega school that people so feared has shown, through the test of time, that it has not only survived, but it has thrived.”
Doors open at 7pm, dinner starts at 8pm. Tickets are $75 and are available at the school.
•For more information contact Devina Butterfield at or call 296-5665 Ext 2110.