Bus routes called off for Wednesday
Created: Oct 03, 2017 01:00 AM (Updated: Oct 03, 2017 10:59 PM)
Several of Wednesday’s buses have had to be cancelled, as announced by the Department of Public Transportation.
The following routes will be affected:
6: St George’s to St David’s, 6:55am
6: St George’s to St David’s, 7.04am
7m: Watford Bridge to Hamilton, 7.10am
8m: Watford Bridge to Hamilton, 7.13am
4: Spanish Point to Hamilton, 7.12am
7B: Hamilton to Barnes Corner, 7.30am
8Bch: Barnes Corner to Hamilton, 8.03am
2: Ord Road to Hamilton, 7.35am
3Y: Grotto Bay to Hamilton, 7.30am
2: Ord Road to Hamilton, 7.55am
8B: Hamilton to Barnes Corner, 8.30am
7B: Barnes Corner to Hamilton, 9.04am