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Milestones in the Enron-Global CrossingTyco-Elan saga:

August 14 - Jeffrey Skilling, CEO and president of Enron stands down "for personal reasons" just six months after taking up the post

December 2 - Enron files record bankruptcy on a Sunday, a move that stopped a free-fall that plunged its shares into penny-stock territory.

December 4 - Ruined Enron Corp. said it would fire 4,000 workers and former suitor Dynegy Inc. sued for control of Enron's crown-jewel pipeline.

December 5 - Markets shook in the wake of the former energy trading giant's record bankruptcy filing.

December 7 - The government wants to know whether thousands of laid off Enron Corp. employees' retirement benefit plans were unfairly handled by the collapsed energy trading company.

December 13 - The head of Enron Corp.'s longtime auditing firm, Andersen, told Congress that the accounting firm and the entire profession will have to change.

January 4 - Senate committee is to investigate Enron

January 10 - Criminal investigation opened in Enron affair

January 11 - Tyco stocks start to dip as queasy investors react to a research report which says the company may be subject to investigation by the SEC.

January 15 -Tyco reports first quarter results.

January 15 - Jitters on Tyco stock continue

January 16 - Andersen says partner ordered Enron files deleted

January 19 - Florida subpoenas Enron papers in pension probe

January 22 - Enron accused of shredding papers

January 22 - Tyco announces it is to split into four units

January 23 - Questions arise about restructuring plan for Tyco.

January 24 - Bermuda is mentioned in connection with Enron with Reuters stating "Enron created hundreds of subsidiaries in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Bermuda and avoided paying federal taxes in four of the past five years."

January 28 - Elan reacts to drop in stock, stating it knows no reason for the drop in its share price .

January 28 - Global Crossing files Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings

January 28 - Reports state Tyco Chairman Dennis Kozlowski gets $5.65 million in salary for 2001.

January 29 - Chairman of Tyco defends large payments to directors.

January 30 - Over the Counter Trading begins in Global Crossing stock

January 30 - Tyco shares recover slightly after analysts encourage their clients to buy shares in the company after S&P states it is satisfied on Tyco's accounting practices.

February 1 - Reuters files story headlined "Bermuda firms risk perception of dodgy dealings"

February1 - News reports claim Tyco did not disclose $4 billion of 2001 cash acquisitions.

February 4 - US Treasuries rallied as a stock market slide on worries about the quality of Corporate America's accounting practices prompted investors to snap up safe-haven US government securities.

February 4 - Elan reports 4th quarter and full year-end results.

February 4 - Global Crossing forms committee of independent directors to review a former employee's allegations of improper accounting.

February 4 - S&P cuts Tyco's rating

February 5 - Class action law suit filed against officers and directors of Global Crossing

February 5 - Class action lawsuits filed against Elan Corp.

February 6 - Class action lawsuit filed against Global Crossing by purchasers

February 6 - Flurry of class action law suits filed against Elan Corp. and its directors and officers and Elan vigorously defends itself.

February 7- More Enron executives claim constitutional right to remain silent.