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Businesses show an interest in water park

Lots of fun: youngsters play at the new water park. X20 Adventures, at the former 9 Beaches resort, has proven to be a hit attraction in its first week of operation (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Local businesses and hotels have taken an interest in the new water park that has opened at the former 9 Beaches resort at Daniel’s Head, Sandys.

And some, including Cambridge Beaches, are promoting the attraction to visitors.

The park, known as X20 Adventures, has already gained plenty of attention from visitors and locals.

Two children celebrated with birthday parties on opening day, according to spokeswoman Nicole Simons.

“It was a good first day, and as of today there has been a total of 100 visitors,” she said Ms Simons.

The water park has no age restriction but a height restriction of 48 inches.

“Life jackets are available to all and everyone must sign a waiver upon arrival”, said Ms Simons.

Park attendants also monitor the park and are certified life guards with CPR training.

The park is open every day from 10am to 7pm, and it can accommodate up to 100 people at a time.

The cost is $25 per person for a one-hour slot. There are different pricing passes and schemes on the website. At the moment there is a promotion for children between 5pm-6pm.

The park plans to remain open through the summer and will close around October depending on the weather.

The website is https://www.x2oadventures.com/

Instant hit: Wendall Hart, co-owner, of X20 Adventures at the former 9 Beaches resort (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)