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WITH LATEST VIDEO: Igor brings flooding to St. George's

As Bermuda begins to react to the aftermath of Hurricane Igor, The Royal Gazette brings you coverage from our team of reporters around the Island. For continuous live coverage throughout the day, you can Follow It Live on our website along with more than 10,000 readers on http://www.royalgazette.com/rg/section.jsp?sectionId=3

The East End took a major battering from Hurricane Igor, with one resident telling us last night: "Town Square looks like a swimming pool."

Floods appear to have subsided this morning, with the only remaining excess water at Fort St. Catherine, where the beach is covered with rocks, although many power lines were dangling in the roads at around 10 a.m. today.

A telephone pole also came down onto a house in St. Luke's Road, St. David's - more on that incident to follow from our reporter at the scene.

The Bermudian ferry broke free from its mooring and has run aground at the edge of St. George's boatyard and a yacht has run aground on Longbird Bridge. Trees and branches litter many of the streets of the town and parish.

Meanwhile, major structural damage was visible at the Pink Beach Club in Hamilton Parish. The pounding South Shore waves had smashed their way right into at least two of the guest cottages nearest to the water.

Large amounts of rubble, sand and seaweed had been thrown by the storm surge a considerable distance into the property and roofs had also sustained damage in the wind.

According to Dal Vasconcelos, a construction contractor at the site this morning said guests had been evacuated prior to the storm.

Many homes in the West End have now got power back, but wind and rain were still lashing that part of the Island mid-morning today. A large tree has gone down in the Mangrove Bay area.

A total of 67 people spent the hurricane at the CedarBridge gymnasium shelter.

According to co-ordinator Renee Brown, people were still walking into the venue at the height of the storm last night. Some, she said, are homeless, while others felt unsafe in their own homes.

She told The Royal Gazette this morning: "Everything's been great. We have not had any incidents. We had residents looking out for each other and I had a great team of staff."

Police spokesman Dwayne Caines urged people to stay off the roads this morning.

"We are asking for all non essential vehicles to stay off the roads at this point. This is necessary for the emergency services to carry out their jobs effectively. Again please stay off of the roads until the EMO advises it is safe to do so."

His colleague Robin Simmons added in a press statement: "There is reported property damage in various locations around the Island with some trees down and debris in the road.

"Emergency services personnel are making their assessment of the damage at the moment and we would appeal for members of the public to please stay off the roads so they can carry out their jobs quickly and efficiently.

"Despite earlier appeals for people to stay indoors we continue to receive reports of members of the public driving around to have a look at the damage and this is

hindering the ability of the emergency services to do their assessments."

Mr. Simmons said the Causeway is currently being assessed and the public will be informed of its reopening via the media and the Emergency Broadcast Radio Station


United Bermuda Party leader Kim Swan said in a statement this morning: "My family and I give thanks to God that the main thrust of Hurricane Igor has passed our beloved Bermuda and that reports are that there was no loss of life or serious personal injuries.

"Notwithstanding, it is important that persons remain vigilant, continue to exercise extreme caution and heed the advise of the EMO and Public Safety Minister.

"We all recognise that as the hurricane passed us as a Category 1 - not with the previous Category 3 fury it was packing earlier last week - that it could have been a lot worse.

"It was heart warming to witness our people take this hurricane seriously as they made advance preparation to ensure their safety and that of their family and friends.

"As we anticipate the necessary clean-up, we look forward to witnessing the Bermuda spirit of cooperation and coming together that has long been our hallmark."