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Revamped tour boat shipshape for Cup

Pretty in pink: Zander Dill and his newly upgraded pink-hulled tour boat Restless Native (Photograph by Blaire Simmons)

Tour boat Restless Native is back in service after a massive refit in time for the upcoming America’s Cup.

And Zander Dill, owner of the distinctive pink-hulled Bermuda-build catamaran, said business had rocketed since word of the series of upgrades had got around.

He added: “We’ve pretty much painted every inch of the entire boat.

“We’ve totally renovated the bathroom and bar area and we’ve also added a new stereo system and new windows.

“We’ve also added a diving platform off the back and new railings around the whole boat — that was a big project this year.”

Mr Dill, a veteran of the tour-boat scene aged just 28, worked in the industry for several years before realising his dream of owning his own boat three years ago.

Since then, he has worked to improve the 1997 Dockyard-based boat and spent tens of thousands of dollars to reach the standards of fit he wanted — with an extra impetus provided by this summer’s sailing competition.

The renovations include a TV behind the bar for special events like the America’s Cup, where Restless Native will be one of the official spectator boats.

Mr Dill said: “The America’s Cup just happened at the right time for us.

“The boat was in pretty bad condition when I got it and I wanted to get it up to the condition I wanted it to be in.

“The America’s Cup just happened at the same time — but with the America’s Cup, I would have done all this anyway.

He added: “It’s great to be one of the official spectator boats and we still have some space available for that.”

The new-look Restless Native also carries kayaks, paddleboards, swim noodles, snorkel gear and custom-made bean bags for the netting towards the bow.

The boat is used to service the largely tourist market in Dockyard during the week for snorkel trips and the catamaran also does sunset tours on Mondays and Thursdays.

Mr Dill said: “The rest of the time we fill up with private charters which are totally customised — we can take up to 50 people with full bar on board, bathroom facilities, dining tables and all the equipment.”

He added: “Everybody seems happy with the changes — my business has almost tripled since I took care of the boat.

“Everything seems to be going really well.”

The Restless Native can be booked for the America’s Cup through americascup.com.