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Housekeeper unhappy over working conditions

of the conditions that she and her fellow employees have to work in.And the lack of fresh water to drink, no air conditioning and hot uniforms has become unbearable.

of the conditions that she and her fellow employees have to work in.

And the lack of fresh water to drink, no air conditioning and hot uniforms has become unbearable.

The woman, who did not want to be named, told The Royal Gazette that during the summer months employers at the hotel turn the air conditioning off on some of the hallways causing working conditions to be intolerable due to the scorching heat.

"And in the winter you have to stay warm the best way that you know how. I feel sorry for everyone in housekeeping because we get paid so little money and the heat up on the floor is so hot that sometimes you just can't breathe up there.

"Last year our employers did not give us water to drink and this year they placed a jug on each floor filled with brown water. Anyone could come and put something in the water and no one would know until someone gets sick.'' The woman added that she and other employees bring their own water from home to drink.

"But the housekeeping office have Pure Water and they keep it in the back room so we can't drink it.'' She also complained about the polyester/cotton uniforms that housekeeping workers have to wear.

"The uniforms are too hot to wear in the summer up on the floors, and I really feel that someone will soon pass out.'' However, general manager of the hotel Mr. Manfred Timmel said the worker's complaints were "definitely not true''.

"The issues have been discussed and there will always be conditions due to defect machinery that need corrections, that happens in any building and we rectify any malfunctions of the equipment.

"All our air conditioners are in order in guest rooms and corridors. And last year, the topic of employees having water to drink was discussed with the union and the employees and we decided to supply water jugs on every floor. It is the same water that everyone drinks and uses. It is regular tap water.'' Mr. Timmel added that the uniforms housekeeping workers wear were selected by the employees themselves.

"We did not force them to wear the uniforms. And any future replacement will be discussed between the workers and employers.'' Chief shop steward at Southampton Princess Mr. Herbie Bascome said there had been a few similar complaints among employees, and meetings were in progress to solve the problems within the hotel.