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January 2007 Deaths

Stephen Lee, 20, a member of the Airport Security Police, died in the early hours of January 13 from injuries sustained when his motorbike collided with a van on North Shore, Hamilton Parish, on Friday afternoon. Mr. Lee was one of the youngest members of the close-knit team of 20 at the airport, who help deal with medical and other emergencies. He had been in his job for around 12 months. His supervisor Joanne Burgess described the young man as "intelligent and very nice," and recalled that "you could not stay mad at him".

Edna Mae Scott, a well-known educator passed away one month before her 100th birthday on January 26. Mrs. Scott of Queens Lane, Smith's was remembered by many as one of the best teachers Bermuda ever had. For 18 years Mrs. Scott worked at The Central School, which was renamed the Victor Scott School in 1977 in memory of her husband who was principal of the school for nearly 30 years. Premier, Ewart Brown, said: "To generations of Bermudians, Edna-Mae Scott was an icon of the education profession."