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True spirit of Christmas by Gabriela Rieschick (Adult category)

They were waiting on her doorstep when Ashley arrived home.An elderly lady and an awkward looking boy whose age she surmised to be twelve or thirteen.

They were waiting on her doorstep when Ashley arrived home.

An elderly lady and an awkward looking boy whose age she surmised to be twelve or thirteen.

Whatever it was they wanted, she had yet to figure out -- Ash only hoped it didn't require too much of her time.

Although she was looking forward to her Christmas vacation -- two weeks, two glorious weeks of peace, relaxation and solitude -- it had been a hectic last day on the job and her mind was extremely foul, her only desire was to put up her feet and lose herself for an hour of "The Young and the Restless'' "Miss Smith? Miss Ashley Smith?'' "Yes...that's me!'' Ash replied while digging into her bag in a frantic search for the house key.

"I'm Mrs. Peters from the Sunshine League.'' Noticing Ashley's puzzled expression, Mrs. Peters quickly continued on.

"Of course you remember our conversation last month? "Well, this is Tony, the young man you so kindly agreed to take into your home for the Christmas holiday.'' Mrs. Peters gently pushed the lad toward Ashley.

Tony smiled shyly up at her as he pushed his glasses up -- a wasted effort for they promptly slid back down.

"I don't have the slightest inclination of what you're...'' Suddenly it all came back to Ashley. She groaned loudly while rolling her eyes upward. Her impulsive response to the ad in the paper last month seeking volunteers to...

"Put a little sunshine into a child's Christmas!'' both Ashley and Mrs.

Peters recited the slogan simultaneously.

Everything then began to move much too quickly for Ashley.

Mrs. Peters plopped a turkey into her arms, pointed to the several bags of groceries on the step; kissed Tony on the cheek and climbed into her car -- all before Ash could utter a single protest.

It was only as Mrs. Peters began to drive out of the yard that Ashley snapped out of her seemingly paralysed state and began to run alongside the car.

"Mrs. Peters, I'm terribly sorry. I totally forgot. So much has changed within the last month. I simply can't do this. I've just paid my rent, my utility bills and I'm behind on my car and credit car payments. I can't afford a tree or presents.

"What kind of Christmas is that for a young boy? Mrs. Peters, I can't afford Christmas!!'' "Miss Smith, give yourself a little more credit. Bermudians have a strength of spirit which is at its best in troublesome times.

"How unfortunate that you should feel that Christmas is based solely on the amount contained in one's pocketbook!'' "Isn't it?'' Ashley asked unreceptive to any patriotic speeches.

"Children aren't as materialistic as perhaps you believe.

" Their expectations are not as high. Love and caring in the true spirit of Christmas will always mean more than expensive gifts!'' Without waiting for a reply, Mrs. Peters then drove off.

"True Spirit of Christmas! Ha! That's easy for you to say!'' Ashley hollered after her. She then whirled around only to find Tony starting at her with apprehension.

Feeling a bit sheepish after her outburst, Ashley looked down at the turkey and then back at Tony.

"Well...at least it's a `Butterball!'' The day was every artist's dream -- perfect for painting. It was windy and the sea possessed an almost savage beauty.

Ashley put down her brush to stare at the scene before her.

It amazed her just how few people enjoyed the beach during the winter months.

Such an ideal place to mediate so refreshing, invigorating.

Ash began to reflect on the past week.

It had passed quickly and Christmas Eve was but a few hours away.

She had to admit it. It had been easier than expected and it was with shame that she remembered her initial reaction toward Tony.

As the past week's activities began to unfold in her mind, Ash acknowledged the fact that they had actually had fun.

There had been the Christmas parade.

What about the walks through town? Night after night they had delighted in the Christmas lights and glittering decorations! Afternoons were spent stuffing themselves with Christmas cookies and egg nog while divulging each other's hopes and dreams.

Ashley giggled to herself as she recalled her solemn oath not to tell a soul that Tony had helped with the Christmas baking-pound cakes, fruit cakes and cassava pies.

"Girl stuff' as Tony had described it.

Her reverie was abruptly broken by a combination of shrieks and barking.

Tony was running toward her with Kiki, her poodle, right at his heels.

Ashley was grateful for the instant bond that had formed between child and dog. It had all but diminished Tony's shyness.

"May Kiki and I walk back to the house? Please? Please? We have a surprise for you?'' Tony pleaded, pushing up his glasses while anxiously awaiting Ashley's reply.

"I'm not sure about that...'' Ashley felt a bit wary.

"It's only a few minutes away...I'll be careful!'' Tony looked so excited.

Ashley didn't have the heart to refuse.

"Okay...but..'' "I know...I know... be careful!'' Tony exclaimed, ending the sentence while quickly fastening Kiki's leash to her collar.

He then gave adamant instructions -- Ashley was not to return home in less than two hours.

With that, he then ran off giving her little chance to change her mind.

Despite her promise to stay away, curiosity mingled with concern brought Ashley home in one hour.

"So much secrecy!'' Ash thought to herself. All week he had locked himself in the bedroom each morning.

Yes, it had given her time to complete household chores, but her inquisitiveness had been overwhelming! Now standing in the living room tears began to stream down her face as her eyes drank in the setting that awaited her.

Tony's surprise was breathtaking. The room was softly bathed in candlelight and shadows of decorations danced on the walls.

Christmas decorations all made with Tony's creative hands! Painted and cut out ornaments hung from each one of her plants. There were angels and elves! Santas and reindeer! Why, a huge Christmas tree, beautifully drawn, covered the wall! Casuarina cones! Red berries! There was even popcorn strewn along each window sill and snowflakes pasted one each pane! "Are you crying `cos' I used some of your paints?'' Tony sombrely asked.

Ashley took him into her arms -- her laughter muffled in his hair.

"Oh, No! No, no, no! It's just... all so beautiful...so very, very beautiful!'' The turkey roasting in the oven created a warm and cozy atmosphere.

The house was still, yet the silence offered Ashley no peace.

"Damn!'' she muttered to herself. She had been pacing the kitchen floor for over an hour.

Ashley was desperate what could she possibly give Tony as a Christmas present? Quietly she tiptoed into the bedroom. Tony lay fast asleep with Kiki curled snugly beside him.

As she gazed down at the sleeping boy, her frustration grew even stronger.

What could she give this small person who, in his own way, had given her his all? "Children aren't as materialistic as you perhaps believe. Their expectations not as high. Children...materialistic...expectations not as high.'' Mrs. Peter's words began to echo over and over again through her mind.

Suddenly the words made perfect sense. The answer became crystal clear.

She had only to think of Tony's gift to her earlier that day. A gift that had blossomed straight from his heart.

There wasn't a dollar amount attached to it. Yet to Ashley it was priceless -- unlike any gift she had ever received.

He had not reached into his pocket. He had reached deep down into himself.

Not a credit card, but imagination, creativity and thoughtfulness as his tools.

It was these same qualities that Ashley longed to give back to him. With this thought in mind, an idea slowly began to take form.

It was going to be a long night. A very long night indeed! Running alongside the car, Ashley felt a certain deja-vu.

"Mrs. Peters... stop... Hold on for a moment!'' Both Tony and Mrs. Peters waited expectantly while Ashley desperately tried to catch her breath.

The time had passed all too quickly and Christmas was drawing to an end.

The day had been spent with Ashley's family where her nieces, nephews and Tony had become fast friends.

They had, however, opted for a quite dinner alone. Although skipping the vegetables (hey! It was Christmas after all!) -- the ham, the turkey, the stuffing, mashed potatoes and cassava pie had been more than delicious.

Why even Kiki had licked her bowl clean! It had been after their Christmas pudding that a certain gloominess began to settle in the room. They had both been aware that Mrs. Peters was on her way, and as such, surprising Tony with his gift couldn't have come at a more appropriate time.

The look of wonderment that crossed his face was worth her sleepless night.

There in his hands Tony held a painting. A painting absolutely life-like in its portrayal of a sleeping young boy and a dog curled up beside him.

Tony was ecstatic when he recognised Kiki and himself.

"I can't give you Kiki...but hopefully this way she'll always be with you..'' They had said their goodbyes and made promises to keep in touch.

Mrs.Peters hadn't foreseen any problems with Tony's staying over for an occasional weekend.

Yet, as the car had begun to pull away, Ash suddenly needed to say one more thing. No longer breathless, she gently pushed Tony's glasses back up...something she would definitely miss seeing him do.

"I just wanted to thank you...'' Ashley quietly stated.

"For what?'' Tony asked.

Ashley paused for a moment as if searching for the right words.

"Thank you...for teaching me about the true spirit of Christmas.'' Perhaps the meaning was lost on Tony.

Mrs. Peters, however, winked and smiled knowingly.